Steve Jackson, Director of the Southwest and South Central CASCs, Recognized as One of 2019's Most Highly Cited Researchers
Stephen Jackson, Director of the Southwest and South Central CASCs, is one of three USGS scientists recently recognized as one of 2019's Highly Cited Researchers by Web of Science.
View the list published by Web of Science here.
Dr. Stephen Jackson, the Director of the Southwest and South Central CASC, has been recognized as among the world’s most influential researchers by the Web of Science’s 2019 Highly Cited Researchers list. Dr. Jackson’s research employs tree rings, fossil rodent middens (or remains), and sediments from lakes and bogs to investigate how past climatic changes and human activities have affected species distributions, biodiversity, and ecosystem properties. He was also recognized as a Highly Cited Researcher in 2016 and 2017.
Since 2002, the Web of Science has presented an annual list identifying researchers who have demonstrated significant and broad influence in a chosen field through the publication of multiple papers that have been highly cited by their peers. This year’s list was announced on November 19 and includes 6,217 researchers across multiple fields from almost 60 countries. USGS scientists James Grace (Wetland and Aquatic Research Center) and Craig Allen (Fort Collins Science Center) were also recognized.
View the complete list here.
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