Northeast Climate Adaptation Science Center Consortium - Hosted by University of Massachusetts Amherst (2019-2024)
The Northeast Climate Adaptation Science Center (NE CASC) develops scientific information and tools to help managers address climate variability and climate change related to impacts on land, water, fish and wildlife, nearshore, coastal and cultural heritage resources. The NE CASC is hosted by the University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMASS) with consortium partners College of Menominee Nation, Columbia University, Cornell University, Michigan State University, University of Missouri, University of Vermont, University of Wisconsin, Woodwell Climate Research Center and the United States Forest Service Northern Research Station. The NE CASC consortium addresses regional science priorities of the Department of the Interior (DOI) and other stakeholder partners through research, capacity-building, and communications. During the current funding period of 2019 – 2024, the NE CASC consortium strives to 1) support conservation managers with the scientific information and tools needed to best manage land and water resources under changing environmental conditions; 2) advance adaptation science to enable public lands to continue to support hunting and fishing, recreational use, wildlife habitat for key DOI trust species, and economic timber production; 3) engage with tribes to co-produce science that supports resiliency and self-governance in relation to natural and cultural resources; 4) partner with DOI and state fish and wildlife agencies, local communities, water authorities, tribes, and others to share information and achieve common goals; 5) design, evaluate, and improve adaptation approaches that can be applied to multiple scales and geographies; 6) train the next generation of climate and natural resources scientists to conduct collaborative, actionable, and ethically engaged research; and 7) leverage resources and partnerships within consortium institutions to support adaptation and conservation, thereby increasing the efficient use of federal dollars. These resources support climate change adaptation, climate science delivery, regional capacity-building, communication, and stakeholder engagement and outreach.
Each CASC is a formal collaboration between the USGS, a regional host university, and a multi-institution partner consortium. Through this agreement, the host and consortium institutions undertake a number of activities, including conducting research science projects, supporting fellows and engaging with resource management partners. To learn more about the work of the NE CASC, visit:
- Source: USGS Sciencebase (id: 5ffdffbdd34e52c3b3d9e703)
The Northeast Climate Adaptation Science Center (NE CASC) develops scientific information and tools to help managers address climate variability and climate change related to impacts on land, water, fish and wildlife, nearshore, coastal and cultural heritage resources. The NE CASC is hosted by the University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMASS) with consortium partners College of Menominee Nation, Columbia University, Cornell University, Michigan State University, University of Missouri, University of Vermont, University of Wisconsin, Woodwell Climate Research Center and the United States Forest Service Northern Research Station. The NE CASC consortium addresses regional science priorities of the Department of the Interior (DOI) and other stakeholder partners through research, capacity-building, and communications. During the current funding period of 2019 – 2024, the NE CASC consortium strives to 1) support conservation managers with the scientific information and tools needed to best manage land and water resources under changing environmental conditions; 2) advance adaptation science to enable public lands to continue to support hunting and fishing, recreational use, wildlife habitat for key DOI trust species, and economic timber production; 3) engage with tribes to co-produce science that supports resiliency and self-governance in relation to natural and cultural resources; 4) partner with DOI and state fish and wildlife agencies, local communities, water authorities, tribes, and others to share information and achieve common goals; 5) design, evaluate, and improve adaptation approaches that can be applied to multiple scales and geographies; 6) train the next generation of climate and natural resources scientists to conduct collaborative, actionable, and ethically engaged research; and 7) leverage resources and partnerships within consortium institutions to support adaptation and conservation, thereby increasing the efficient use of federal dollars. These resources support climate change adaptation, climate science delivery, regional capacity-building, communication, and stakeholder engagement and outreach.
Each CASC is a formal collaboration between the USGS, a regional host university, and a multi-institution partner consortium. Through this agreement, the host and consortium institutions undertake a number of activities, including conducting research science projects, supporting fellows and engaging with resource management partners. To learn more about the work of the NE CASC, visit:
- Source: USGS Sciencebase (id: 5ffdffbdd34e52c3b3d9e703)