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James Hein Wins Prestigious Moore Medal Award from the International Marine Minerals Society

Research geologist is awarded for his 43-year scientific career dedicated to the study of marine minerals with the USGS.

This article is part of the October-December 2016 issue of the Sound Waves newsletter.

The International Marine Minerals Society (IMMS) has awarded its highest honor, the Moore Medal, to James Hein of the USGS Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center, in recognition of his 43-year scientific career dedicated to the study of marine minerals with the USGS.

The IMMS is a professional society whose members share a common interest in marine minerals as a resource for study and sound application to meet world demands for strategic minerals. Founded in 1987, the IMMS includes a worldwide membership of individuals from industry, government agencies, and research institutions. The Moore Medal is given to members of the society who exhibit distinction in the field of marine minerals and contribute notably to the objectives and initiatives of the society. The award was presented to Hein on October 11, 2016, during the banquet dinner of the 45th annual Underwater Mining Conference in Songdo-Incheon, South Korea, hosted by the IMMS, the Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology, and the University of Hawaiʻi.

Hein has been a member of the IMMS for 30 years, 18 of which have been spent as a member of the society’s Executive Board, including two terms as president. Hein has authored and co-authored more than 500 papers and abstracts investigating all types of marine mineral deposits (see Global Ocean Mineral Resources), and he has served as an unbiased academic consultant to numerous studies conducted by researchers, industries, and governments. In addition, Hein has mentored many students and professionals who now also hold important positions in oceanographic institutes and marine mineral programs throughout the world. 

The IMMS esteems Dr. Hein as a cornerstone scientist in the field of marine minerals, whose contributions are far-reaching and will have a permanent impact on its continued development, thus making him a clear choice for the 2016 Moore Medal.

Man speaking into a microphone.
James Hein accepts the Moore Medal award.
A man stands between two women, everyone smiling for the camera.
James Hein after receiving the Moore Medal, with Ph.D. student and USGS colleague Kira Mizell (right) and collaborating Fullbright scholar Natalia Konstantinova (left).


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