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Realtime monitoring, station, and other various seismic data available for download. Access to data products to view and download.

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High-resolution seismic data from the Frijoles Fault of the San Gregorio Fault zone, Año Nuevo, California

The U.S. Geological Survey acquired high-resolution P- and S-wave seismic data across the Frijoles Fault strand of the San Gregorio Fault Zone (SGFZ) at Año Nuevo, California in 2012. The SGFZ is a Holocene-active, dominantly right-lateral fault system that trends more than 200 km along the California coastline. The Frijoles Fault is one of several onshore strands of the SGF system, and together t

Data Release for the 2023 U.S. 50-State National Seismic Hazard Model - Overview

This data release contains data sets associated with the 2023 50-State National Seismic Hazard Model Update. The 2023 50-State National Seimsic Hazard Model (NSHM) Update includes an update to the NSHMs for the conterminous U.S (CONUS, last updated in 2018), Alaska (AK, last updated in 2007), and Hawaii (last updated in 2001). Data sets include inputs like seismicity catalogs used as input to the

Broadband Ground Motion Simulations for 12 California Region Earthquakes

This Data Release consists of broadband ground motion simulations for 12 California region earthquakes. The ground motion simulations were done as part of a validation study that is described in more detail in Graves (2022). These simulations were computed using a hybrid simulation methodology (hereafter referred to as GP). The GP approach is a hybrid in that separate responses are computed for th

Full-resolution photomosaics of trench walls from the 2006 paleoseismic study of the San Andreas Fault at Coachella, California

The Coachella paleoseismic site is located on the San Andreas Fault along the northeast edge of the Coachella Valley in southern California, southwest of the intersection of Dillon Road and Avenue 44. In 2006, three benched trenches were excavated across the fault zone as part of an Alquist-Priolo fault investigation study by a private geotechnical firm (see APSI_003361 at https://maps.conservatio

Data release for fault activity in the San Gabriel Mountains, USA: insights from landscape morphometrics, erosion rates, and fault-slip rates (ver. 2.0, November 2023)

This report summarizes geomorphic data and analysis from the range front and interior of the San Gabriel Mountains, California, USA. For catchment-average erosion rates, we describe the methodology used to collect samples of detrital sediment, determine concentrations of cosmogenic beryllium-10 in purified quartz isolated from the samples, and use those nuclide concentrations to calculate erosion

Slide-hold-slide experiments on Westerly Granite at temperatures up to 250 °C

Laboratory slide-hold-slide tests were conducted in a conventional triaxial deformation configuration on 1-inch diameter cylindrical cores of Westerly granite bisected by a sawcut oriented at 30 degrees from vertical. Tests were conducted at a constant confining pressure of 30 MPa with a 10 MPa pore fluid pressure. The pore fluid was deionized water. Experiments were conducted at temperatures of 2

High-resolution seismic imaging data acquired in 2021 across the West Winters Fault, Great Valley Fault System at Bigelow Hills, Yolo County, California

In June of 2021, the U.S. Geological Survey conducted a high-resolution seismic survey at Winters, California. Seismic data were acquired using a DTCC SmartSolo 3-component nodal seismograph system ("node"), which continuously recorded at 2000 samples per second. Nodes were deployed 5 meters apart from west-southwest to east-northeast to create an approximately 800-m-long linear profile. P-wave da

High-resolution seismic imaging data acquired in 2021 across a trace of the San Andreas Fault at Mee Ranch, Monterey County, California

In April of 2021, the U.S. Geological Survey conducted a high-resolution seismic survey at Mee Ranch in Monterey County, California. Both passive- and active-source seismic data were acquired using DTCC SmartSolo 3-component nodal seismograph systems ("nodes"), which continuously recorded data at rates up to 2000 samples per second. For passive-source acquisition, a 6x5 grid of nodes was deployed

Three-component nodal recordings of aftershocks from the 15 May 2020 Mw 6.5 Monte Cristo, Nevada earthquake

In May of 2020, the U.S. Geological Survey responded to the M6.5 Monte Cristo Range Earthquake, occurring near Tonopah, Nevada: 60 DTCC SmartSolo 3-component nodal seismograph systems ("nodes") were deployed in the area and continuously recorded seismic data for about a month. Nodes were deployed in various arrays includin

Radiocarbon dates from the 2020 Bobcat Fire and 2013 Grand Fire, Western Transverse Ranges, California

This data release provides radiocarbon data for burned plant material collected from deposits following two wildfires in southern California. For the 2020 Bobcat Fire we collected deposits in five stream channels within the Pallett Creek drainage in 2021. For the 2013 Grand Fire near Frazier Mountain, we sampled from two shallow pits excavated into alluvium deposited in 2014. The types of taxa pre

Sediment properties, charcoal counts, and radiocarbon dates from the Pallett Creek paleoseismic site, San Gabriel Mountains, California (ver. 2.0, February 2024)

This data release provides geochemical, sedimentological, and geochronological data from interbedded fluvial and marsh deposits and radiocarbon dates of the section spanning the last 1500 years from the Pallett Creek paleoseismic site, California. The samples were collected to support paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the site and refine several previous investigations of paleoearthquakes along

Quaternary deposits of the 9-county San Francisco Bay Region: an areally continuous digital map database prepared from Knudsen and others (2000) and Witter and others (2006)

This digital map database provides an areally continuous representation of the Quaternary surficial deposits of the San Francisco Bay region merged from the database files from Knudsen and others (2000) and Witter and others (2006). The more detailed mapping by Witter and others (2006) of the inner part of the region (compiled at a scale of 1:24,000), is given precedence over the less detailed map
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