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Community Practices for Data and Sample Preservation

Practices and guidelines for data and sample preservation developed by the earth science and data preservation community.

This is a compilation of practices and guidelines for data and sample preservation used and developed by the wider earth science and data preservation community. Practices are organized by topics listed alphabetically. These topics focus on data and sample preservation; community practices for other data management topics can be found on the USGS Data Management Website

For more information regarding the USGS collections management policy and requirements, see the USGS Survey Manual Instructional Memorandum (IM) CSS 2019-01 and accompanying  guidance.


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Quick Navigation Links:

CARE Principles Metadata

Collection and Acquisition of Physical Samples

Open Science

Data Citation                                   

Persistent Identifiers (PIDs)

Data Organization

Repositories/Physical Storage

Data Versioning and Backup                                      



Software and File Formats

Examples of Online Databases and Data Catalogs

FAIR Principles Additional Resources


CARE Principles

The following resources provide an overview of CARE (Collective benefit, Authority to control, Responsibility, and Ethics) principles and guidance for operationalizing CARE and FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) principles.


Collection and Acquisition of Physical Samples

The following resources provide information regarding the proper permitting and authority for collecting physical samples and community practices for acquiring samples and data.


Data Citation

The following resources provide guidelines for developing citations for earth and environmental science data.


Data Organization


Data Versioning and Backup

The following resources provide guidance and community best practices for data versioning and backup.



The following resources provide recommendations and guidance for digitizing documents and physical materials. 


Examples of online databases and data catalogs

Links to online databases of scientific collections and data.


FAIR Principles

The following resources provide an overview of the FAIR principles as well as strategies and recommendations for achieving and maintaining FAIR practices.



The following resources provide guidance for metadata standards, preparing metadata, as well as examples of collection metadata records within the USGS.


Open Science

The following resources provide information about open science practices.


Persistent Identifiers (PIDs)

The following resources provide an overview of the use of persistent unique identifiers, including the International Generic Sample Number (IGSN).


Repositories/Physical Storage

The following are community practices for repositories and/or physical sample storage and preservation.


Sample Access

The following are guidelines regarding accessing and sampling or subsampling materials in a repository.


Software and File Formats

The following resources provide guidelines for the use of software in data/sample preservation, including file format guidelines.  


Additional Resources

The following are other compilations of resources and community practices for data and sample preservation topics.