This National Map training video will demonstrate how to create and implement a Point Data Abstraction Library or PDAL pipeline script that will generate derivative elevation rasters from USGS 3D Elevation Program (3DEP) lidar point cloud source data from the USGS E
National Geospatial Program videos.

This National Map training video will demonstrate how to create and implement a Point Data Abstraction Library or PDAL pipeline script that will generate derivative elevation rasters from USGS 3D Elevation Program (3DEP) lidar point cloud source data from the USGS E

January 28, 2025 USGS Hydrography Community Call: 3D Hydrography Program Announcements and “HydroAdd3D Sneak Peak”
linkSteve Aichele, the National Geospatial Program Hydrography Management and Planning Lead, announced release of updated Elevation Derived Hydrography Specifications and publication of the following products and services:
January 28, 2025 USGS Hydrography Community Call: 3D Hydrography Program Announcements and “HydroAdd3D Sneak Peak”
linkSteve Aichele, the National Geospatial Program Hydrography Management and Planning Lead, announced release of updated Elevation Derived Hydrography Specifications and publication of the following products and services:

This National Map training video demonstrates how to use the 3D Elevation Program’s Dynamic Elevation Service in ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Online (AGOL). By the end of this lesson, you will be able to add the Dynamic Elevation Web service to ArcGIS Pro, enable raster processing templates, and retrieve a spot elevation.
This National Map training video demonstrates how to use the 3D Elevation Program’s Dynamic Elevation Service in ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Online (AGOL). By the end of this lesson, you will be able to add the Dynamic Elevation Web service to ArcGIS Pro, enable raster processing templates, and retrieve a spot elevation.

December 2024 USGS Hydrography Community Call: Delivering and Using 3D Hydrography Program (3DHP) Data
linkThe 3D Hydrography Program (3DHP) database will initially be populated with the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) features, mapped to the new data model. The NHD-source features will be replaced with hydrography derived from the 3D Elevation Program (3DEP) lidar and IfSAR data as it becomes available.
December 2024 USGS Hydrography Community Call: Delivering and Using 3D Hydrography Program (3DHP) Data
linkThe 3D Hydrography Program (3DHP) database will initially be populated with the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) features, mapped to the new data model. The NHD-source features will be replaced with hydrography derived from the 3D Elevation Program (3DEP) lidar and IfSAR data as it becomes available.

The 3D Hydrography Program at one year – what was accomplished in FY24, what is planned for FY25?
linkFederal Fiscal Year 2024 was the first full operational year for the 3D Hydrography Program. We made significant progress in a number of areas, publishing final versions of legacy products, and developing processes for the new program. This presentation will provide an overview of what was accomplished in FY24 and what is planned for FY25.
The 3D Hydrography Program at one year – what was accomplished in FY24, what is planned for FY25?
linkFederal Fiscal Year 2024 was the first full operational year for the 3D Hydrography Program. We made significant progress in a number of areas, publishing final versions of legacy products, and developing processes for the new program. This presentation will provide an overview of what was accomplished in FY24 and what is planned for FY25.

The USGS-NFHP Webinar on the 3D Hydrography Program (3DHP) and The National Map (TNM) provided a deep dive into the current state and future direction of USGS hydrography and elevation data, focusing on the replacement of legacy datasets with highly accurate, 3D-enabled data.
The USGS-NFHP Webinar on the 3D Hydrography Program (3DHP) and The National Map (TNM) provided a deep dive into the current state and future direction of USGS hydrography and elevation data, focusing on the replacement of legacy datasets with highly accurate, 3D-enabled data.
This National Map training video is a brief introduction to using the topoBuilder application to build customized USGS topographic maps centered anywhere in the United States and territories that use the best available data of The National Map. Learn more at
This National Map training video is a brief introduction to using the topoBuilder application to build customized USGS topographic maps centered anywhere in the United States and territories that use the best available data of The National Map. Learn more at
This National Map training video is a brief introduction to using the topoBuilder application to build customized USGS topographic maps centered anywhere in the United States and territories that use the best available data of The National Map. Learn more at
This National Map training video is a brief introduction to using the topoBuilder application to build customized USGS topographic maps centered anywhere in the United States and territories that use the best available data of The National Map. Learn more at
This National Map training video is an introduction to using the LidarExplorer application to easily access lidar data and derived products. In LidarExplorer, you can search for lidar projects, digital elevation models, and lidar point cloud files to meet your needs.
This National Map training video is an introduction to using the LidarExplorer application to easily access lidar data and derived products. In LidarExplorer, you can search for lidar projects, digital elevation models, and lidar point cloud files to meet your needs.

The U.S. Geological Survey and the University of Massachusetts at Amherst (UMass Amherst), in cooperation with the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP), began a series of studies in 2019 to develop a web-based statewide hydraulic modeling tool to provide preliminary culvert designs for stream-crossing projects in Massachusetts.
The U.S. Geological Survey and the University of Massachusetts at Amherst (UMass Amherst), in cooperation with the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP), began a series of studies in 2019 to develop a web-based statewide hydraulic modeling tool to provide preliminary culvert designs for stream-crossing projects in Massachusetts.

The new 3D Hydrography Program (3DHP) is the focus of USGS efforts to acquire and produce detailed surface-water mapping information, such as lakes, ponds, rivers and streams.
The new 3D Hydrography Program (3DHP) is the focus of USGS efforts to acquire and produce detailed surface-water mapping information, such as lakes, ponds, rivers and streams.

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) is a national hydrologic unit (HU) geospatial dataset that defines surface drainage areas for the United States. This dataset provides a foundation for local, regional, and national applications to manage, archive, exchange, and analyze data by HU.
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) is a national hydrologic unit (HU) geospatial dataset that defines surface drainage areas for the United States. This dataset provides a foundation for local, regional, and national applications to manage, archive, exchange, and analyze data by HU.
USGS invited all federally recognized Tribes, Alaska Native Corporations, and Native Hawaiian Organizations to virtual informational meetings on March 11, 2024 and March 22, 2024 about the 3D National Topography Model and its components, the 3D Elevation Program and the 3D Hydrography Program.
USGS invited all federally recognized Tribes, Alaska Native Corporations, and Native Hawaiian Organizations to virtual informational meetings on March 11, 2024 and March 22, 2024 about the 3D National Topography Model and its components, the 3D Elevation Program and the 3D Hydrography Program.

Development of a Geographic Information System Methodology for the Public Drinking Water Source Water Assessment Program in Tennessee
linkPresenters are Rebecca Ransom and David Ladd with the USGS Lower Mississippi Gulf Water Science Center in Nashville, TN.
Development of a Geographic Information System Methodology for the Public Drinking Water Source Water Assessment Program in Tennessee
linkPresenters are Rebecca Ransom and David Ladd with the USGS Lower Mississippi Gulf Water Science Center in Nashville, TN.
The US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) office in Huntington, WV provides a number of floodplain management services. These include base flood elevation (BFE) evaluations, watershed modeling, project planning, and responding to numerous technical questions.
The US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) office in Huntington, WV provides a number of floodplain management services. These include base flood elevation (BFE) evaluations, watershed modeling, project planning, and responding to numerous technical questions.

In this lesson, we will provide an overview and demonstrate how to use The National Map’s web services in a mapping application. Although downloading data from The National Map is a popular option for many users, there are numerous situations where it may be preferable to simply call TNM web services into your mapping application.
In this lesson, we will provide an overview and demonstrate how to use The National Map’s web services in a mapping application. Although downloading data from The National Map is a popular option for many users, there are numerous situations where it may be preferable to simply call TNM web services into your mapping application.

Joshua Greenberg works at the Washington Department of Ecology as the Hydrography Steward. He has been very active in supporting professional GIS organizations within Washington, including being on the board of the local ASPRS chapter, WAGISA (WAURISA), and WAGIC co-chair. Josh earned his B.A.
Joshua Greenberg works at the Washington Department of Ecology as the Hydrography Steward. He has been very active in supporting professional GIS organizations within Washington, including being on the board of the local ASPRS chapter, WAGISA (WAURISA), and WAGIC co-chair. Josh earned his B.A.

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 3D Elevation Program (3DEP) provides high accuracy, high-resolution (HR) elevation data for the United States.
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 3D Elevation Program (3DEP) provides high accuracy, high-resolution (HR) elevation data for the United States.
The presenter is Dave Blodgett. Dave is a Civil Engineer with the USGS Water Mission Area and is also on assignment to NGTOC's Topographic Applied Research Team.
The presenter is Dave Blodgett. Dave is a Civil Engineer with the USGS Water Mission Area and is also on assignment to NGTOC's Topographic Applied Research Team.

Our topic will be "Towards an Internet of Water: Creating a community search index for water data.” The presenter will be Kyle Onda, Director, Internet of Water with the Center for Geospatial Solutions, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy.
Our topic will be "Towards an Internet of Water: Creating a community search index for water data.” The presenter will be Kyle Onda, Director, Internet of Water with the Center for Geospatial Solutions, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy.
