National Water-Quality Assessment Project (NAWQA)
Surface-Water Quality and Ecology
Data and science on the Nation's streams and rivers
Data and science on the Nation's streams and rivers
Groundwater Quality
Dive deep—data and science on groundwater, our invisible, vital resource
Dive deep—data and science on groundwater, our invisible, vital resource
The NAWQA Project is the largest component of the NWQP as a primary source of objective and nationally consistent water-quality data and information on the quality of the Nation’s streams and groundwater.
Water-Quality Quicklinks
Water-Quality Quicklinks
- WaterWatch: Real-Time USGS Water-Quality Data
- Water Quality Portal: Data From Hundreds of Agencies
- Sediment Data Portal
- Pesticide Use Maps and Data
- Health-Based Screening Levels for Drinking and Source Water
- BioData: Aquatic Bioassessment Data for the Nation
- National Water-Quality Project Sampling Methods