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Responses of riparian reptile communities to damming and urbanization

December 12, 2012
Various anthropogenic pressures, including habitat loss, threaten reptile populations worldwide. Riparian zones are critical habitat for many reptile species, but these habitats are also frequently modified by anthropogenic activities. Our study investigated the effects of two riparian habitat modifications-damming and urbanization-on overall and species-specific reptile occupancy patterns. We used time-constrained search techniques to compile encounter histories for 28 reptile species at 21 different sites along the Broad and Pacolet Rivers of South Carolina. Using a hierarchical Bayesian analysis, we modeled reptile occupancy responses to a site's distance upstream from dam, distance downstream from dam, and percent urban land use. The mean occupancy response by the reptile community indicated that reptile occupancy and species richness were maximized when sites were farther upstream from dams. Species-specific occupancy estimates showed a similar trend of lower occupancy immediately upstream from dams. Although the mean occupancy response of the reptile community was positively related to distance downstream from dams, the occupancy response to distance downstream varied among species. Percent urban land use had little effect on the occupancy response of the reptile community or individual species. Our results indicate that the conditions of impoundments and subsequent degradation of the riparian zones upstream from dams may not provide suitable habitat for a number of reptile species.
Publication Year 2013
Title Responses of riparian reptile communities to damming and urbanization
DOI 10.1016/j.biocon.2012.08.035
Authors Stephanie D. Hunt, Jacquelyn C. Guzy, Steven J. Price, Brian J. Halstead, Evan A. Eskew, Michael E. Dorcas
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title Biological Conservation
Index ID 70041769
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization Western Ecological Research Center
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