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Size-sex variation in survival rates and abundance of pig frogs, Rana grylio, in northern Florida wetlands

January 1, 1998

During 1991-1993, we conducted capture-recapture studies on pig frogs, Rana grylio, in seven study locations in northcentral Florida. Resulting data were used to test hypotheses about variation in survival probability over different size-sex classes of pig frogs. We developed multistate capture-recapture models for the resulting data and used them to estimate survival rates and frog abundance. Tests provided strong evidence of survival differences among size-sex classes, with adult females showing the highest survival probabilities. Adult males and juvenile frogs had lower survival rates that were similar to each other. Adult females were more abundant than adult males in most locations at most sampling occasions. We recommended probabilistic capture-recapture models in general, and multistate models in particular, for robust estimation of demographic parameters in amphibian populations.

Publication Year 1998
Title Size-sex variation in survival rates and abundance of pig frogs, Rana grylio, in northern Florida wetlands
DOI 10.2307/1565206
Authors K.V. Wood, J.D. Nichols, H.F. Percival, J.E. Hines
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title Journal of Herpetology
Index ID 5223452
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization Patuxent Wildlife Research Center
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