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Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Investments

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law makes historic investments in the USGS’ efforts to provide vital science to address critical minerals, preserve data and foster the next generation of geoscientists. In addition, the USGS is providing support to other Bipartisan Infrastructure Law priorities like ecosystem restoration, wildfire science, and unplugged oil and gas wells.


USGS to invest $1.1 million in Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding to district-scale hyperspectral survey of Arizona, New Mexico

USGS to invest $1.1 million in Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding to district-scale hyperspectral survey of Arizona, New Mexico

USGS invests $3.8 million in Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding to map critical minerals across the Ozark Plateau

USGS invests $3.8 million in Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding to map critical minerals across the Ozark Plateau

Collaborative workshop spotlights machine learning to accelerate USGS critical mineral assessments

Collaborative workshop spotlights machine learning to accelerate USGS critical mineral assessments


Sagebrush Landscape Collaborative

Encompassing over 175 million acres, America’s “Sagebrush Sea” is the largest terrestrial ecosystem in the lower 48 states. A predominately shrubland system, this landscape ranges over deserts, valleys, mountains, and mesas from the Canadian border to our southwestern deserts. The sagebrush ecosystem – the ancestral homeland of many Tribal Nations – supports critical agricultural and recreation...

Sagebrush Landscape Collaborative

Encompassing over 175 million acres, America’s “Sagebrush Sea” is the largest terrestrial ecosystem in the lower 48 states. A predominately shrubland system, this landscape ranges over deserts, valleys, mountains, and mesas from the Canadian border to our southwestern deserts. The sagebrush ecosystem – the ancestral homeland of many Tribal Nations – supports critical agricultural and recreation...
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National Fuels Treatment and Post-fire Treatment Effectiveness Assessment Strategies

Managing wildland fuels and post-fire environments are key strategies to reduce the risk and negative impacts of wildfire, and can even promote beneficial effects of wildfire. Researchers from the U.S. Geological Survey are reviewing, summarizing, and analyzing what is currently known about fuel treatment and post-fire treatment effectiveness in the United States. Monitoring and evaluating the...

National Fuels Treatment and Post-fire Treatment Effectiveness Assessment Strategies

Managing wildland fuels and post-fire environments are key strategies to reduce the risk and negative impacts of wildfire, and can even promote beneficial effects of wildfire. Researchers from the U.S. Geological Survey are reviewing, summarizing, and analyzing what is currently known about fuel treatment and post-fire treatment effectiveness in the United States. Monitoring and evaluating the...
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Project ROAM

USGS is identifying, testing, and verifying rapid methods for rangeland assessment and restoration monitoring. Our methods complement existing monitoring frameworks, providing land management agencies with timely information that can be used to determine if restoration investments are successful, and why. Standardization, validation, repeatability, data management, and training are at the core of...

Project ROAM

USGS is identifying, testing, and verifying rapid methods for rangeland assessment and restoration monitoring. Our methods complement existing monitoring frameworks, providing land management agencies with timely information that can be used to determine if restoration investments are successful, and why. Standardization, validation, repeatability, data management, and training are at the core of...
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