Pre- and post-Hurricane Dorian aerial imagery showing extreme sediment transport, overwash and breaches along the barrier islands of the North Carolina coast.
Pre- and post-Hurricane Dorian aerial imagery showing extreme sediment transport, overwash and breaches along the barrier islands of the North Carolina coast.

Sean Egen, hydrologic technician, installs a storm tide sensor
at River Dunes Marina in Pamlico County, NC
Sean Egen, hydrologic technician, installs a storm tide sensor
at River Dunes Marina in Pamlico County, NC

Hydrographer Keith Lambert installing a rapid deployment gage at New Mill Creek at Chesapeake, VA in advance of Hurricane Dorian. Photo: Blake Dudding, USGS September 5, 2019
Hydrographer Keith Lambert installing a rapid deployment gage at New Mill Creek at Chesapeake, VA in advance of Hurricane Dorian. Photo: Blake Dudding, USGS September 5, 2019

A storm-tide sensor deployed on Florida's Indian River Lagoon, at Indian River Drive in St. Lucie County, on Aug. 30, 2019 in preparation for Hurricane Dorian. NOTE: Though the story is about the Carolinas, the photo is from Florida. No photos of the Carolinas deployment were available at the time this story was published.
A storm-tide sensor deployed on Florida's Indian River Lagoon, at Indian River Drive in St. Lucie County, on Aug. 30, 2019 in preparation for Hurricane Dorian. NOTE: Though the story is about the Carolinas, the photo is from Florida. No photos of the Carolinas deployment were available at the time this story was published.