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Water Quantity and Quality

USGS has a large network of monitoring stations in the Bay-Delta that collects real-time water-quantity and water-quality data, including water level, temperature, direction and speed, salinity, and clarity. These data are used daily by State and Federal water managers to balance the needs of California's communities, agriculture, and wildlife.

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Suspended-Solids Concentrations in San Francisco Bay, California

Suspended solids are an important component of San Francisco Bay, California (USA) because they transport adsorbed toxic substances, provide habitat for benthic organisms, limit light availability and photosynthesis, and deposit in ports and waterways which require dredging. The U.S. Geological Survey has established a network of eight sites in San Francisco Bay at which suspended-solids...

Suspended-Solids Concentrations in San Francisco Bay, California

Suspended solids are an important component of San Francisco Bay, California (USA) because they transport adsorbed toxic substances, provide habitat for benthic organisms, limit light availability and photosynthesis, and deposit in ports and waterways which require dredging. The U.S. Geological Survey has established a network of eight sites in San Francisco Bay at which suspended-solids...
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Water Monitoring

USGS collects water quantity and quality data throughout the Bay and Delta by both continuous monitoring stations as well as by discrete sampling taken from boats and shorelines at established stations.

Water Monitoring

USGS collects water quantity and quality data throughout the Bay and Delta by both continuous monitoring stations as well as by discrete sampling taken from boats and shorelines at established stations.
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Water Clarity

USGS scientists study water quality in the Bay-Delta system, which also includes studying water clarity.

Water Clarity

USGS scientists study water quality in the Bay-Delta system, which also includes studying water clarity.
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Aquatic Stressors

USGS water-quality monitoring in the Bay-Delta system provides information that can help identify potential “stressors” to species of concern.

Aquatic Stressors

USGS water-quality monitoring in the Bay-Delta system provides information that can help identify potential “stressors” to species of concern.
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Habitat Quality

USGS is currently enhancing its existing water-quality monitoring network in the Bay-Delta with the establishment of “super stations” at strategic locations to collect data every 15 minutes (continuous monitoring) on a variety of water- and habitat-quality characteristics.

Habitat Quality

USGS is currently enhancing its existing water-quality monitoring network in the Bay-Delta with the establishment of “super stations” at strategic locations to collect data every 15 minutes (continuous monitoring) on a variety of water- and habitat-quality characteristics.
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