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Alexander J Gatch, MSc

Alex Gatch is a Research Biologist based in Cortland, NY that leads collaborative research on the restoration of Lake Trout and coregonines through an ecosystem approach.

Alex Gatch works at the Tunison Laboratory of Aquatic Science (TLAS) in Cortland, NY, where he focuses on native species restoration in the Great Lakes. Alex works with federal, state, provincial, and first nation partners to experimentally test impediments to restoration of native species such as Lake Trout, Cisco, and Bloater. Alex’s background and current research is related to lithophilic (rocky) spawning habitat and how environmental changes in Lake Ontario have altered the characteristics of this habitat. Historic rocky spawning sites in Lake Ontario have largely been degraded by sediment infilling and biofouling from invasive species (e.g., dreissenid mussels), and Alex’s research focuses on quantifying the effect of degraded habitat on early life survival of native species like Lake Trout. The facilities at TLAS allows Alex to pair field studies in the Great Lakes with laboratory studies where he can manipulate environmental factors to better identify variables affecting fish survival. Alex is also keenly interested in the use of acoustic telemetry to address questions related to fish survival and behavior. He currently leads a lake-wide acoustic telemetry study in Lake Ontario, which serves to identify contemporary spawning sites of Lake Trout and document the characteristics of current substrates.

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