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Amanda Rosenberger, PhD


Amanda is the Assistant Unit Leader of the Tennessee Fisheries CRU. She is from Virginia. Her research interests are in the ecology and conservation of freshwater species, including fish, crayfish, and mussels, with an emphasis on the role of ecological processes in shaping aquatic species' distributions, population characteristics, and community structure.

Research Interests

Amanda's research interests are in the ecology and conservation of freshwater fishes with an emphasis on the role of ecological processes in shaping fish distributions, population characteristics, and community structure. Conservation problems are best addressed at multiple scales; therefore, she is interested in the spatial and temporal dynamics of these patterns at both local and landscape scales. She is particularly interested in investigating mechanistic relationships between fish and physical and biotic features of the environment and how human intervention, nonnative species, and climate change can alter those relationships.

Teaching Interests

  • Fish Ecology
  • Introduction to Fisheries
  • Experiential Learning
  • Landscape Ecology
  • Community Ecology
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