Billy G Justus (Former Employee)
Science and Products
Filter Total Items: 20
Water quality of potential reference lakes in the Arkansas Valley and Ouachita Mountain ecoregions, Arkansas
This report describes a study to identify reference lakes in two lake classifications common to parts of two level III ecoregions in western Arkansas—the Arkansas Valley and Ouachita Mountains. Fifty-two lakes were considered. A screening process that relied on land-use data was followed by reconnaissance water-quality sampling, and two lakes from each ecoregion were selected for...
B. G. Justus, Bradley J. Meredith
Effects of land use, stream habitat, and water quality on biological communities of wadeable streams in the Illinois River Basin of Arkansas, 2011 and 2012
The Illinois River Basin includes an area of diverse land use in northwestern Arkansas. Land-use data collected in 2006 indicate that most of the land in the basin is agricultural. The agricultural land is used primarily for production of poultry and cattle. Eighteen sites were selected from the list of candidate sites based on drainage area, land use, presence or absence of an upstream...
James C. Petersen, B. G. Justus, Bradley J. Meredith
A comparison of algal, macroinvertebrate, and fish assemblage indices for assessing low-level nutrient enrichment in wadeable Ozark streams
Biotic indices for algae, macroinvertebrates, and fish assemblages can be effective for monitoring stream enrichment, but little is known regarding the value of the three assemblages for detecting perturbance as a consequence of low-level nutrient enrichment. In the summer of 2006, we collected nutrient and biotic samples from 30 wadeable Ozark streams that spanned a nutrient...
B. G. Justus, James C. Petersen, Suzanne R. Femmer, Jerri V. Davis, J. E. Wallace
Water quality of least-impaired lakes in eastern and southern Arkansas
A three-phased study identified one least-impaired (reference) lake for each of four Arkansas lake classifications: three classifications in the Mississippi Alluvial Plain (MAP) ecoregion and a fourth classification in the South Central Plains (SCP) ecoregion. Water quality at three of the least-impaired lakes generally was comparable and also was comparable to water quality from Kansas...
B. Justus
Methods for Monitoring Fish Communities of Buffalo National River and Ozark National Scenic Riverways in the Ozark Plateaus of Arkansas and Missouri: Version 1.0
Buffalo National River located in north-central Arkansas, and Ozark National Scenic Riverways, located in southeastern Missouri, are the two largest units of the National Park Service in the Ozark Plateaus physiographic province. The purpose of this report is to provide a protocol that will be used by the National Park Service to sample fish communities and collect related water-quality...
James C. Petersen, B. G. Justus, H.R. Dodd, D.E. Bowles, L.W. Morrison, M.H. Williams, G.A. Rowell
Water quality of eleven lakes in eastern and southern Arkansas from August 2004 - July 2005
No abstract available.
B. G. Justus
The fishes of Buffalo National River, Arkansas, 2001-2003
During June through September 2001 and 2002, extensive fish community sampling was conducted at 29 sites within the boundaries of Buffalo National River. Samples were collected using backpack, tote barge, and boat electrofishing equipment. Kick seining also was used at all sites. To supplement these results, samples were collected in 2003 from less typical habitats and during other...
James C. Petersen, B. G. Justus
The fishes of Pea Ridge National Military Park, Arkansas, 2003
A fish inventory was conducted at Pea Ridge National Military Park, Arkansas, during base-flow conditions in September 2003. Six sites including four streams and two ponds were sampled using conventional electrofishing equipment (a seine also was used at one site). There were 653 individuals collected comprising 18 species (plus 1 hybrid) and 15 genera. The number of species collected at...
B. G. Justus, James C. Petersen
The fishes of George Washington Carver National Monument, Missouri, 2003
Fish were collected at six sites at George Washington Carver National Monument by seining and electrofishing during a base-flow period on July 17-18, 2003. Approximately 700 fish were collected and identified at the six sampling sites. Those individuals represented 17 species (and 1 hybrid) and 13 genera. The number of species collected at the five stream sites ranged from 9 to 12; a...
B. G. Justus, James C. Petersen
The fishes of Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas, 2003
Fish communities were sampled from eight sites within Hot Springs National Park. Fish were collected by seining and electrofishing during base-flow periods in July and October 2003. All individuals were identified to species. More than 1,020 individuals were collected, representing 24 species. The number of species collected at the sites ranged from 5 to 19. Central stoneroller...
James C. Petersen, B. G. Justus
Water Quality, Fish Tissue, and Bed Sediment Monitoring in Waterbodies of Fort Chaffee Maneuver Training Center, Arkansas, 2002-2004
The Fort Chaffee Maneuver Training Center is a facility used to train as many as 50,000 Arkansas National Guardsmen each year. Due to the nature of ongoing training and also to a poor understanding of environmental procedures that were practiced in the World War II era, areas within Fort Chaffee have the potential to be sources of a large number of contaminants. Because some streams flow...
B. G. Justus, Gregory P. Stanton
Water-quality, phytoplankton, and trophic-status characteristics of Big Base and Little Base lakes, Little Rock Air Force Base, Arkansas, 2003-2004
Little Rock Air Force Base is the largest C-130 base in the Air Force and is the only C-130 training base in the Department of Defense. Little Rock Air Force Base is located in central Arkansas near the eastern edge of the Ouachita Mountains, near the Mississippi Alluvial Plain, and within the Arkansas Valley Ecoregion. Habitats include upland pine forests, upland deciduous forest, broad...
B. G. Justus
Non-USGS Publications**
B.G Justus, 1994, Observations on electrofishing techniques for three catfish species in Mississippi, Proc. Annu. Conf. Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies
B.G. Justus and Harp, G.L., 1992, Boat Clarifier Effectiveness, Water Environment and Technology
B.G. Justus, Trauth, S.E., and Harp, G.L., 1990, Mesostigmal complex of six Argia species using scanning electron microscopy. Odonatologica
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.
Detecting Differences in Bacterial Metabolism in the Buffalo National River
Each year, the Buffalo National River (BUFF) attracts 1.6 million visitors, many of whom enjoy recreational water activities. Since 2013, a confined animal feeding operation (CAFO) for swine has been operating on Big Creek, a BUFF tributary.
Ozark Plateaus National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program
Short Title: Ozark Plateaus NAWQA Project Chief: Billy Justus Cooperator: U.S. Geological Survey National Water-Quality Assessment Program Project Time Frame: 1991 - present The Ozark Plateaus study unit is one of more than 50 study units that are part of the U.S. Geological Survey's National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program. The long-term goals of this program are to describe the status...
Characterization of Macroinvertebrate and Fish Assemblages at 35 Streams in Southwestern Louisiana and an Assessment of Their Relations to Water-Quality and Physical Habitat
Short Title: Biological Characterization of Louisiana Streams Project Chief: Billy Justus Cooperator: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Project Time Frame: 2007 - 2009 Information is needed to support water-resources management and decision-making processes for the West Gulf Coastal Plain (WGCP) ecoregion of southwestern Louisiana.
Lower Mississippi River National Rivers and Streams Assessment
Short Title: Mississippi River NRSA Project Chief: Billy Justus Cooperator: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Project Time Frame: 2008 - 2009 The USGS Arkansas and Missouri Water Science Centers (WSC) are conducting a study for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) for an ecological assessment of the Lower Mississippi River for USEPA Office of Water's National Rivers and Streams...
Water Quality of Potential Reference Lakes in Two Level-Three Ecoregions of Arkansas
Short Title: Reference Lakes Project Chief: Billy Justus Cooperators: Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality and U. S. Environmental Protection Agency Project Time Frame: 2007 - 2008 The Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality has classified all lakes within Arkansas into five classifications called lake "Types" (A-E); however, reference water quality characteristics of these lake types...
Science and Products
Filter Total Items: 20
Water quality of potential reference lakes in the Arkansas Valley and Ouachita Mountain ecoregions, Arkansas
This report describes a study to identify reference lakes in two lake classifications common to parts of two level III ecoregions in western Arkansas—the Arkansas Valley and Ouachita Mountains. Fifty-two lakes were considered. A screening process that relied on land-use data was followed by reconnaissance water-quality sampling, and two lakes from each ecoregion were selected for...
B. G. Justus, Bradley J. Meredith
Effects of land use, stream habitat, and water quality on biological communities of wadeable streams in the Illinois River Basin of Arkansas, 2011 and 2012
The Illinois River Basin includes an area of diverse land use in northwestern Arkansas. Land-use data collected in 2006 indicate that most of the land in the basin is agricultural. The agricultural land is used primarily for production of poultry and cattle. Eighteen sites were selected from the list of candidate sites based on drainage area, land use, presence or absence of an upstream...
James C. Petersen, B. G. Justus, Bradley J. Meredith
A comparison of algal, macroinvertebrate, and fish assemblage indices for assessing low-level nutrient enrichment in wadeable Ozark streams
Biotic indices for algae, macroinvertebrates, and fish assemblages can be effective for monitoring stream enrichment, but little is known regarding the value of the three assemblages for detecting perturbance as a consequence of low-level nutrient enrichment. In the summer of 2006, we collected nutrient and biotic samples from 30 wadeable Ozark streams that spanned a nutrient...
B. G. Justus, James C. Petersen, Suzanne R. Femmer, Jerri V. Davis, J. E. Wallace
Water quality of least-impaired lakes in eastern and southern Arkansas
A three-phased study identified one least-impaired (reference) lake for each of four Arkansas lake classifications: three classifications in the Mississippi Alluvial Plain (MAP) ecoregion and a fourth classification in the South Central Plains (SCP) ecoregion. Water quality at three of the least-impaired lakes generally was comparable and also was comparable to water quality from Kansas...
B. Justus
Methods for Monitoring Fish Communities of Buffalo National River and Ozark National Scenic Riverways in the Ozark Plateaus of Arkansas and Missouri: Version 1.0
Buffalo National River located in north-central Arkansas, and Ozark National Scenic Riverways, located in southeastern Missouri, are the two largest units of the National Park Service in the Ozark Plateaus physiographic province. The purpose of this report is to provide a protocol that will be used by the National Park Service to sample fish communities and collect related water-quality...
James C. Petersen, B. G. Justus, H.R. Dodd, D.E. Bowles, L.W. Morrison, M.H. Williams, G.A. Rowell
Water quality of eleven lakes in eastern and southern Arkansas from August 2004 - July 2005
No abstract available.
B. G. Justus
The fishes of Buffalo National River, Arkansas, 2001-2003
During June through September 2001 and 2002, extensive fish community sampling was conducted at 29 sites within the boundaries of Buffalo National River. Samples were collected using backpack, tote barge, and boat electrofishing equipment. Kick seining also was used at all sites. To supplement these results, samples were collected in 2003 from less typical habitats and during other...
James C. Petersen, B. G. Justus
The fishes of Pea Ridge National Military Park, Arkansas, 2003
A fish inventory was conducted at Pea Ridge National Military Park, Arkansas, during base-flow conditions in September 2003. Six sites including four streams and two ponds were sampled using conventional electrofishing equipment (a seine also was used at one site). There were 653 individuals collected comprising 18 species (plus 1 hybrid) and 15 genera. The number of species collected at...
B. G. Justus, James C. Petersen
The fishes of George Washington Carver National Monument, Missouri, 2003
Fish were collected at six sites at George Washington Carver National Monument by seining and electrofishing during a base-flow period on July 17-18, 2003. Approximately 700 fish were collected and identified at the six sampling sites. Those individuals represented 17 species (and 1 hybrid) and 13 genera. The number of species collected at the five stream sites ranged from 9 to 12; a...
B. G. Justus, James C. Petersen
The fishes of Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas, 2003
Fish communities were sampled from eight sites within Hot Springs National Park. Fish were collected by seining and electrofishing during base-flow periods in July and October 2003. All individuals were identified to species. More than 1,020 individuals were collected, representing 24 species. The number of species collected at the sites ranged from 5 to 19. Central stoneroller...
James C. Petersen, B. G. Justus
Water Quality, Fish Tissue, and Bed Sediment Monitoring in Waterbodies of Fort Chaffee Maneuver Training Center, Arkansas, 2002-2004
The Fort Chaffee Maneuver Training Center is a facility used to train as many as 50,000 Arkansas National Guardsmen each year. Due to the nature of ongoing training and also to a poor understanding of environmental procedures that were practiced in the World War II era, areas within Fort Chaffee have the potential to be sources of a large number of contaminants. Because some streams flow...
B. G. Justus, Gregory P. Stanton
Water-quality, phytoplankton, and trophic-status characteristics of Big Base and Little Base lakes, Little Rock Air Force Base, Arkansas, 2003-2004
Little Rock Air Force Base is the largest C-130 base in the Air Force and is the only C-130 training base in the Department of Defense. Little Rock Air Force Base is located in central Arkansas near the eastern edge of the Ouachita Mountains, near the Mississippi Alluvial Plain, and within the Arkansas Valley Ecoregion. Habitats include upland pine forests, upland deciduous forest, broad...
B. G. Justus
Non-USGS Publications**
B.G Justus, 1994, Observations on electrofishing techniques for three catfish species in Mississippi, Proc. Annu. Conf. Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies
B.G. Justus and Harp, G.L., 1992, Boat Clarifier Effectiveness, Water Environment and Technology
B.G. Justus, Trauth, S.E., and Harp, G.L., 1990, Mesostigmal complex of six Argia species using scanning electron microscopy. Odonatologica
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.
Detecting Differences in Bacterial Metabolism in the Buffalo National River
Each year, the Buffalo National River (BUFF) attracts 1.6 million visitors, many of whom enjoy recreational water activities. Since 2013, a confined animal feeding operation (CAFO) for swine has been operating on Big Creek, a BUFF tributary.
Ozark Plateaus National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program
Short Title: Ozark Plateaus NAWQA Project Chief: Billy Justus Cooperator: U.S. Geological Survey National Water-Quality Assessment Program Project Time Frame: 1991 - present The Ozark Plateaus study unit is one of more than 50 study units that are part of the U.S. Geological Survey's National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program. The long-term goals of this program are to describe the status...
Characterization of Macroinvertebrate and Fish Assemblages at 35 Streams in Southwestern Louisiana and an Assessment of Their Relations to Water-Quality and Physical Habitat
Short Title: Biological Characterization of Louisiana Streams Project Chief: Billy Justus Cooperator: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Project Time Frame: 2007 - 2009 Information is needed to support water-resources management and decision-making processes for the West Gulf Coastal Plain (WGCP) ecoregion of southwestern Louisiana.
Lower Mississippi River National Rivers and Streams Assessment
Short Title: Mississippi River NRSA Project Chief: Billy Justus Cooperator: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Project Time Frame: 2008 - 2009 The USGS Arkansas and Missouri Water Science Centers (WSC) are conducting a study for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) for an ecological assessment of the Lower Mississippi River for USEPA Office of Water's National Rivers and Streams...
Water Quality of Potential Reference Lakes in Two Level-Three Ecoregions of Arkansas
Short Title: Reference Lakes Project Chief: Billy Justus Cooperators: Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality and U. S. Environmental Protection Agency Project Time Frame: 2007 - 2008 The Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality has classified all lakes within Arkansas into five classifications called lake "Types" (A-E); however, reference water quality characteristics of these lake types...