Cary Lindsey, PhD (Former Employee)
Science and Products
Maps of elevation trend and detrended elevation for the Great Basin, USA
Heat flow maps and supporting data for the Great Basin, USA
Don’t Let Negatives Hold You Back: Accounting for Underlying Physics and Natural Distributions of Hydrothermal Systems When Selecting Negative Training Sites Leads to Better Machine Learning Predictions
Selecting negative training sites is an important challenge to resolve when utilizing machine learning (ML) for predicting hydrothermal resource favorability because ideal models would discriminate between hydrothermal systems (positives) and all types of locations without hydrothermal systems (negatives). The Nevada Machine Learning project (NVML) fit an artificial neural network to identify area
Detrending Great Basin elevation to identify structural patterns for identifying geothermal favorability
When less is more: How increasing the complexity of machine learning strategies for geothermal energy assessments may not lead toward better estimates
New maps of conductive heat flow in the Great Basin, USA: Separating conductive and convective influences
What did they just say? Building a Rosetta stone for geoscience and machine learning
Predicting geothermal favorability in the western United States by using machine learning: Addressing challenges and developing solutions
Science and Products
Maps of elevation trend and detrended elevation for the Great Basin, USA
Heat flow maps and supporting data for the Great Basin, USA
Don’t Let Negatives Hold You Back: Accounting for Underlying Physics and Natural Distributions of Hydrothermal Systems When Selecting Negative Training Sites Leads to Better Machine Learning Predictions
Selecting negative training sites is an important challenge to resolve when utilizing machine learning (ML) for predicting hydrothermal resource favorability because ideal models would discriminate between hydrothermal systems (positives) and all types of locations without hydrothermal systems (negatives). The Nevada Machine Learning project (NVML) fit an artificial neural network to identify area
Detrending Great Basin elevation to identify structural patterns for identifying geothermal favorability
When less is more: How increasing the complexity of machine learning strategies for geothermal energy assessments may not lead toward better estimates
New maps of conductive heat flow in the Great Basin, USA: Separating conductive and convective influences
What did they just say? Building a Rosetta stone for geoscience and machine learning
Predicting geothermal favorability in the western United States by using machine learning: Addressing challenges and developing solutions
*Disclaimer: Listing outside positions with professional scientific organizations on this Staff Profile are for informational purposes only and do not constitute an endorsement of those professional scientific organizations or their activities by the USGS, Department of the Interior, or U.S. Government