Craig "Tut" Tuthill
Tut is a Supply Technician in the Bird Banding Laboratory at the Eastern Ecological Science Center located in Laurel, MD
Primary Responsibilities:
Band supply technician, issue bird bands, retrieve banding data, confirm/clarify geographical information & miscellaneous duties
Education and Certifications
BS in Government and Politics, Minor in Criminology Criminal Justice, Maryland University College
Science and Products
Bird Banding Laboratory
The Bird Banding Laboratory is an integrated scientific program established in 1920 to support the collection, archiving, management, and dissemination of information from banded and marked birds in North America. This information allows for developing effective bird science, management, and conservation. Since 1923, the lab has collaborated with the Canada’s Bird Banding Office to administer the...
Science and Products
Bird Banding Laboratory
The Bird Banding Laboratory is an integrated scientific program established in 1920 to support the collection, archiving, management, and dissemination of information from banded and marked birds in North America. This information allows for developing effective bird science, management, and conservation. Since 1923, the lab has collaborated with the Canada’s Bird Banding Office to administer the...