Elizabeth Sellers
Elizabeth Sellers is currently serving the USGS as a Data Manager, Software Development Coordinator, and Taxonomic Data Development Specialist, with the Science Analytics and Synthesis (SAS) Program in the Core Science Systems Mission Area.
She joined the USGS in December 2003 after completing a year as a USGS Volunteer for Science for the Invasive Species science program of the Biological Resources Discipline (now Ecosystems Mission Area). She completed her B.Sc. in Tropical Botany and Geomorphology at James Cook University, Townsville campus, Australia in 1995; and completed post-graduate research in 1996 on the compensatory growth habits and ecophysiology of the non-native invasive 'woody weed' Chinee[sic] apple (Zizyphus mauritiana) for a BSc. Honors degree.
From 2020 to present she is responsible for Data Manager oversight of SAS-authored and co-authored data and software releases, and related publications; and coordinates SAS software development sprints for the Science Data Management branch.
From 2016 to present she is responsible for updating and maintaining the taxonomic nomenclature data for the bees of the world in the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS - https://www.itis.gov).
From 2009-2019 she coordinated the development and data loads for the USGS Biodiversity Information Serving Our Nation (BISON https://bison.usgs.gov) online species mapping application and the BISON Integrated Publishing Toolkit (IPT - https://bison.usgs.gov/ipt) instance for hosting species occurrence data and metadata shared with the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF - https://www.gbif.org).
She currently represents the USGS on the Steering Committee of the North American Pollinator Protection Campaign (NAPPC - https://www.pollinator.org/nappc; 2007 to present); and on the USDA Pollinator Working Group (2016 to present). She also represented the USGS on the Federal Committee of the Plant Conservation Alliance (PCA) (2015-2018). In 2004 she was a founding member of the Global Invasive Species Information Network (GISIN).