Gabriel A Reyes
Gabriel Reyes is a biologist at the Western Ecological Research Center.
Science and Products
Birds, Bats, and Beyond: Networked Wildlife Tracking in the Southern California Bight
Seabird and bat researchers from the USGS Western Ecological Research Center are teaming up to study how flying animals move through the marine environment. This Bureau of Ocean Energy Management supported project will add 25 remote telemetry stations to the existing global Motus Wildlife Tracking System, representing the largest single investment in coastal and offshore Motus infrastructure on...
Science and Products
Birds, Bats, and Beyond: Networked Wildlife Tracking in the Southern California Bight
Seabird and bat researchers from the USGS Western Ecological Research Center are teaming up to study how flying animals move through the marine environment. This Bureau of Ocean Energy Management supported project will add 25 remote telemetry stations to the existing global Motus Wildlife Tracking System, representing the largest single investment in coastal and offshore Motus infrastructure on...