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Heather Bervid

Heather Bervid is a Hydrologist at the USGS Oregon Water Science Center.

Heather Bervid (she/her) is a Hydrologist with the Geomorphology Team at the U.S. Geological Survey Oregon Water Science Center based in Portland, OR. She began working with the USGS in June 2014 as a recipient of the National Association of Geoscience Teachers-U.S. Geological Survey Cooperative Summer Field Training Program (NAGT-USGS) and continued USGS research as a Pathways Student Intern while attending graduate school.

During her time at the USGS, Heather has worked on studies ranging from geomorphic and quaternary mapping projects to water quality and restoration monitoring. These projects include: mapping and analysis of river impoundment and lake formation upstream of the Bonneville Landslide complex, Quaternary mapping along the Columbia River Gorge, geomorphic mapping of Willamette River floodplain features, lamprey habitat surveys in the Umpqua River basin, storm bedload sampling downstream of the SR-530/Oso Landslide, vegetation re-establishment monitoring downstream of the annual Fall Creek Reservoir drawdowns, restoration effectiveness monitoring under the Willamette Focused Investment Program (FIP), and water quality sampling and monitoring for the National Water Quality Network (NWQN/NAWQA), as well as assistance with a variety of other field- and data-based projects. Her research often includes GIS compilation, field studies in a variety of environments, and data analysis.

In addition to her work on river systems with the USGS, Heather also conducted research in the fields of glacio-fluvial systems, glacial geology, glacial geomorphology, paleoclimatology, paleoceanography, marine sediment geochemistry, cosmogenic exposure dating, sediment transport, and landscape evolution during her time at the University of Washington and Oregon State University. While in graduate school, she was a recipient of the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program (NSF GRFP) and was a Science Instructor for Inspiring Girls Expeditions (IGE).

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