Joshua Taron
Josh is a Research Geophysicist with the Geology, Minerals, Energy, and Geophysics Science Center
Science and Products
Dynamics of permeability evolution in stimulated geothermal reservoirs
Spatially and temporally evolving permeability fields are fundamentally associated with the operation of enhanced geothermal systems. This chapter explores the resulting magnitude and patterns of permeability alteration as well as the coupled physical processes that control the evolution of permeability during shear stimulation and long-term evolution of a geothermal reservoir. It also...
Joshua M. Taron, Steven E. Ingebritsen, Stephen H. Hickman, Colin F. Williams
Science and Products
Dynamics of permeability evolution in stimulated geothermal reservoirs
Spatially and temporally evolving permeability fields are fundamentally associated with the operation of enhanced geothermal systems. This chapter explores the resulting magnitude and patterns of permeability alteration as well as the coupled physical processes that control the evolution of permeability during shear stimulation and long-term evolution of a geothermal reservoir. It also...
Joshua M. Taron, Steven E. Ingebritsen, Stephen H. Hickman, Colin F. Williams