Justin T Martin
Justin Martin studies the effects of climate variability on water resources in western North America.
• Differential influences of precipitation and temperature on the hydrologic cycle.
• Drivers of slow-changing patterns in temperature, precipitation, and streamflow evident in paleoclimatic records.
• Impacts of climatic and hydrologic variability on water resource management.
• Risks to water resources associated with observed changes in climate.
• Participant in Reclamations’ Missouri Headwaters Basin Study and Milk-St. Mary Basin Study Update.
• Currently assisting Reclamation in the development of the 2021 SECURE Water Report to Congress.
• Current participant in Montana Drought Response Plan update.
Science and Products
Multi-century perspectives on current and future streamflow in the Missouri River Basin
The Missouri River system is the life-blood of the American Midwest providing water resources that drive agriculture, industry, hydroelectric power generation, and ecosystems. However, the Missouri River Basin (MRB) (Figure 1) is the only major river in the western U.S. for which hydrologic reconstructions from tree rings have not been generated in any systematic way. This knowledge gap is...
Characterizing Historic Streamflow to Support Drought Planning in the Upper Missouri River Basin
The Missouri River system is the life-blood of the American Midwest, providing critical water resources that drive the region’s agriculture, industry, hydroelectric power generation, and ecosystems. The basin has a long history of development and diversion of water resources, meaning that streamflow records that reflect natural, unmanaged flows over the past century have been rare. As a result, re
Science and Products
Multi-century perspectives on current and future streamflow in the Missouri River Basin
The Missouri River system is the life-blood of the American Midwest providing water resources that drive agriculture, industry, hydroelectric power generation, and ecosystems. However, the Missouri River Basin (MRB) (Figure 1) is the only major river in the western U.S. for which hydrologic reconstructions from tree rings have not been generated in any systematic way. This knowledge gap is...
Characterizing Historic Streamflow to Support Drought Planning in the Upper Missouri River Basin
The Missouri River system is the life-blood of the American Midwest, providing critical water resources that drive the region’s agriculture, industry, hydroelectric power generation, and ecosystems. The basin has a long history of development and diversion of water resources, meaning that streamflow records that reflect natural, unmanaged flows over the past century have been rare. As a result, re