Kyle Mosel
Kyle Mosel
Professional Experience
2020 - present, Biologist, Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center, US Geological Survey
2018 - 2020, Statewide AIS Response Coordinator, Wisconsin DNR
2014 - 2018, Fish Biologist, Midwest Fisheries Center, US Fish and Wildlife Service
2012 - 2014, Biological Science Technician, Midwest Fisheries Center, US Fish and Wildlife Service
2012 - 2012, Biological Science Technician, Yellowstone National Park, National Park Service
2007 - 2010, Fisheries Research Technician, South Dakota State University
Education and Certifications
B.S. 2010, Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences, South Dakota State University - Brookings
M.S. 2012, Natural Resources, University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point
Science and Products
Data Release for Multimodal Invasive Carp Deterrent Study at Barkley Lock and Dam: Status Update through 2022
The BioAcoustic Fish Fence (BAFF; Fish Guidance Systems Ltd.) is a multi-modal deterrent that utilizes a combination of lights, sound, and bubbles to guide fish away from a location. An experimental deployment of a BAFF is currently ongoing at Barkley Lock and Dam on the Cumberland River near Grand Rivers, KY. This dataset includes information derived from two telemetry arrays (i.e., VEMCO and HTI
Data for dam passage analysis of bigheaded carps in Pools 15-19 of the upper Mississippi River during 2014-2017
Acoustic telemetry data (Vemco, Inc) were collected on invasive silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix), bighead carp (H. nobilis) and their hybrids in the upper Mississippi River (navigation pools 15-19) to determine movement patterns and preferred habitats during September 2013 through November 2017. We consolidated these data into intervals of fish within-pool residency and intervals of fish
Multimodal invasive carp deterrent study at Barkley Lock and Dam—Status update through 2022
Invasive carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis [Bighead Carp], Mylopharyngodon piceus [Black Carp], Ctenopharyngodon idella [Grass Carp], and H. molitrix [Silver Carp]) continue to spread in the United States and deterrents at river navigation locks are one emerging control strategy for slowing the spread. High-head navigation dams on large rivers serve as impediments to the upstream spread of these po
Andrea K. Fritts, Daniel Gibson-Reinemer, Jessica C. Stanton, Kyle Mosel, Marybeth K. Brey, Jonathan M. Vallazza, Douglas Appel, Jacob Faulkner, Joshua Tompkins, Theodore Castro-Santos, Matthew Sholtis, Andy Turnpenny, Peter Sorensen, Rob Simmonds
Lock operations influence upstream passages of invasive and native fishes at a Mississippi River high-head dam
Asian carps continue to expand their range in North America, necessitating efforts to limit the spread and establishment of reproducing populations. Mississippi River Lock and Dam 19 is a high-head dam that represents a population ‘pinch-point’ as passage through the lock chamber is the only means by which fishes can complete upstream movement. As such, this location could be a pivotal control poi
Andrea K. Fritts, Brent C. Knights, Jessica C. Stanton, Amanda S. Milde, Jonathan M. Vallazza, Marybeth K. Brey, Sara J. Tripp, Thomas E. Devine, Wesley Sleeper, James T. Lamer, Kyle J. Mosel
Science and Products
Data Release for Multimodal Invasive Carp Deterrent Study at Barkley Lock and Dam: Status Update through 2022
The BioAcoustic Fish Fence (BAFF; Fish Guidance Systems Ltd.) is a multi-modal deterrent that utilizes a combination of lights, sound, and bubbles to guide fish away from a location. An experimental deployment of a BAFF is currently ongoing at Barkley Lock and Dam on the Cumberland River near Grand Rivers, KY. This dataset includes information derived from two telemetry arrays (i.e., VEMCO and HTI
Data for dam passage analysis of bigheaded carps in Pools 15-19 of the upper Mississippi River during 2014-2017
Acoustic telemetry data (Vemco, Inc) were collected on invasive silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix), bighead carp (H. nobilis) and their hybrids in the upper Mississippi River (navigation pools 15-19) to determine movement patterns and preferred habitats during September 2013 through November 2017. We consolidated these data into intervals of fish within-pool residency and intervals of fish
Multimodal invasive carp deterrent study at Barkley Lock and Dam—Status update through 2022
Invasive carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis [Bighead Carp], Mylopharyngodon piceus [Black Carp], Ctenopharyngodon idella [Grass Carp], and H. molitrix [Silver Carp]) continue to spread in the United States and deterrents at river navigation locks are one emerging control strategy for slowing the spread. High-head navigation dams on large rivers serve as impediments to the upstream spread of these po
Andrea K. Fritts, Daniel Gibson-Reinemer, Jessica C. Stanton, Kyle Mosel, Marybeth K. Brey, Jonathan M. Vallazza, Douglas Appel, Jacob Faulkner, Joshua Tompkins, Theodore Castro-Santos, Matthew Sholtis, Andy Turnpenny, Peter Sorensen, Rob Simmonds
Lock operations influence upstream passages of invasive and native fishes at a Mississippi River high-head dam
Asian carps continue to expand their range in North America, necessitating efforts to limit the spread and establishment of reproducing populations. Mississippi River Lock and Dam 19 is a high-head dam that represents a population ‘pinch-point’ as passage through the lock chamber is the only means by which fishes can complete upstream movement. As such, this location could be a pivotal control poi
Andrea K. Fritts, Brent C. Knights, Jessica C. Stanton, Amanda S. Milde, Jonathan M. Vallazza, Marybeth K. Brey, Sara J. Tripp, Thomas E. Devine, Wesley Sleeper, James T. Lamer, Kyle J. Mosel