Lisa Weiland
Lisa is a Biological Science Technician at the Columbia River Research Laboratory.
Science and Products
Evaluating injury and mortality to larval lamprey collected out of sediment using a portable suction dredge
Pacific Lamprey responses to stressors: Dewatering and electrofishing
First investigations on lamprey responses to elevated total dissolved gas exposure and risk of gas bubble trauma
Influence of lamprey rearing type on measures of performance
Salvage using electrofishing methods caused minimal mortality of burrowed and emerged larval lampreys in dewatered habitats
Evaluation of larval lamprey survival following salvage: A pilot study
Larval lampreys (Entosphenus tridentatus and Lampetra spp.) are vulnerable to anthropogenic water-level fluctuations that can dewater their habitat. Dewatering events occur regularly in the Columbia River Basin for operation and management of hydropower facilities, seasonal or maintenance closures of irrigation diversions, and in-water construction projects, including for habitat restoration. Salv
Collection of larval lampreys (Entosphenus tridentatus and Lampetra spp.) using a portable suction dredge—A pilot test
Effects of dewatering on behavior, distribution, and abundance of larval lampreys
Evidence for rapid gut clearance of microplastic polyester fibers fed to Chinook Salmon: A tank study
Evaluating dewatering approaches to protect larval Pacific lamprey
Effectiveness of fish screens in protecting lamprey (Entosphenus and Lampetra spp.) ammocoetes—Pilot testing of variable screen angle
Emigration and transportation stress of juvenile Chinook salmon relative to their reintroduction upriver of Shasta Dam, California, 2017–18
Effectiveness of common fish screen materials for protecting lamprey ammocoetes—Influence of sweeping velocities and decreasing flows
Science and Products
Evaluating injury and mortality to larval lamprey collected out of sediment using a portable suction dredge
Pacific Lamprey responses to stressors: Dewatering and electrofishing
First investigations on lamprey responses to elevated total dissolved gas exposure and risk of gas bubble trauma
Influence of lamprey rearing type on measures of performance
Salvage using electrofishing methods caused minimal mortality of burrowed and emerged larval lampreys in dewatered habitats
Evaluation of larval lamprey survival following salvage: A pilot study
Larval lampreys (Entosphenus tridentatus and Lampetra spp.) are vulnerable to anthropogenic water-level fluctuations that can dewater their habitat. Dewatering events occur regularly in the Columbia River Basin for operation and management of hydropower facilities, seasonal or maintenance closures of irrigation diversions, and in-water construction projects, including for habitat restoration. Salv