Nancy Damar
Nancy Damar is a Physical Scientist in the Information Management Unit.
Science and Products
Science in the Colorado River Basin
The Colorado River is one of the longest rivers in the Western United States. It begins in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado and flows southwestward until it reaches Mexico where it becomes a small stream or dry riverbed. The Colorado River forms the border between southeastern Nevada and northwestern Arizona. In Nevada, Hoover Dam and Davis Dam control the flow of the river and create two...
Delineation of Vegetation Using Satellite Imagery, Clark County
In 2006, USGS, in cooperation with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), began a 4-year study of the Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area (NCA) to produce a land-cover data set from DigitalGlobe’s QuickBird high-resolution (2.4-meter) satellite imagery and field vegetation data. In 2010, the study was extended to include the Clark County portion of Mormon Mesa, and Coyote Springs and Piute...
Foundational geospatial data sets for delineating drainage areas for Nevada StreamStats
This data release contains vector and raster geospatial data for delineating drainage basins in the Nevada StreamStats study area. Included are vector streamline, waterbody, and inner wall data used to hydrologically condition the digital elevation model. The hydrologically-conditioned digital elevation model, flow direction, flow accumulation, and stream delineation raster data are also...
Geospatial data for the report Groundwater Discharge by Evapotranspiration from the Amargosa Wild and Scenic River and Contributing Areas, Inyo and San Bernardino Counties, California
This data release supports U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2023-5106, Groundwater Discharge by Evapotranspiration from the Amargosa Wild and Scenic River and Contributing Areas, Inyo and San Bernardino Counties, California. Geospatial datasets presented are two polygon shapefiles representing the groundwater discharge areas and evapotranspiration units for the...
Digital hydrologic and geospatial data for the Rio Grande transboundary integrated hydrologic model and water-availability analysis, New Mexico and Texas, United States, and Northern Chihuahua, Mexico
Digital hydrologic and geospatial data for the Rio Grande transboundary integrated hydrologic model and water-availability analysis, New Mexico and Texas, United States, and Northern Chihuahua, Mexico
Groundwater discharge by evapotranspiration from the Amargosa Wild and Scenic River and contributing areas, Inyo and San Bernardino Counties, California
The Amargosa Wild and Scenic River, located in the southwestern Mojave Desert in Inyo and San Bernardino Counties, California, is a Federally protected waterway that supports the biodiversity of the region. Water in the river primarily comes from interbasin groundwater flow that originates as precipitation in the Spring Mountains. The precipitation enters the regional groundwater system...
Michael T. Pavelko, Nancy A. Damar
Hydraulic characterization of volcanic rocks in Pahute Mesa using an integrated analysis of 16 multiple-well aquifer tests, Nevada National Security Site, 2009–14
An improved understanding of groundwater flow and radionuclide migration downgradient from underground nuclear-testing areas at Pahute Mesa, Nevada National Security Site, requires accurate subsurface hydraulic characterization. To improve conceptual models of flow and transport in the complex hydrogeologic system beneath Pahute Mesa, the U.S. Geological Survey characterized bulk...
C. Amanda Garcia, Tracie R. Jackson, Keith J. Halford, Donald S. Sweetkind, Nancy A. Damar, Joseph M. Fenelon, Steven R. Reiner
Hydroclimate of the Spring Mountains and Sheep Range, Clark County, Nevada
Precipitation, potential evapotranspiration, and actual evapotranspiration often are used to characterize the hydroclimate of a region. Quantification of these parameters in mountainous terrains is difficult because limited access often hampers the collection of representative ground data. To fulfill a need to characterize ecological zones in the Spring Mountains and Sheep Range of...
Michael T. Moreo, Gabriel B. Senay, Alan L. Flint, Nancy A. Damar, Randell J. Laczniak, James Hurja
Vegetation database for land-cover mapping, Clark and Lincoln Counties, Nevada
Floristic and other vegetation data were collected at 3,175 sample sites to support land-cover mapping projects in Clark and Lincoln Counties, Nevada, from 2007 to 2013. Data were collected at sample sites that were selected to fulfill mapping priorities by one of two different plot sampling approaches. Samples were described at the stand level and classified into the National Vegetation...
David A. Charlet, Nancy A. Damar, Patrick J. Leary
Land-cover mapping of Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area and Coyote Springs, Piute-Eldorado Valley, and Mormon Mesa Areas of Critical Environmental Concern, Clark County, Nevada
DigitalGlobe’s QuickBird satellite high-resolution multispectral imagery was classified by using Visual Learning Systems’ Feature Analyst feature extraction software to produce land-cover data sets for the Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area and the Coyote Springs, Piute-Eldorado Valley, and Mormon Mesa Areas of Critical Environmental Concern in Clark County, Nevada. Over 1,000...
J. LaRue Smith, Nancy A. Damar, David A. Charlet, Craig L. Westenburg
Digitized generalized areas where surface-water resources likely or potentially are susceptible to groundwater withdrawals in adjacent valleys, Great Basin National Park area, Nevada
Abstract Polygons delineate generalized areas in and around Great Basin National Park where surface-water resources likely or potentially are susceptible to groundwater withdrawals in adjacent valleys. Purpose This data set was created as part of a U.S. Geological Survey study, done in cooperation with the National Park Service, to characterize surface-water resources in and around Great...
Peggy E. Elliott, David A. Beck, David E. Prudic
Quantifying Ground-Water and Surface-Water Discharge from Evapotranspiration Processes in 12 Hydrographic Areas of the Colorado Regional Ground-Water Flow System, Nevada, Utah, and Arizona
Rapid population growth in southern Nevada has increased the demand for additional water supplies from rural areas of northern Clark and southern Lincoln counties to meet projected water-supply needs. Springs and rivers in these undeveloped areas sustain fragile riparian habitat and may be susceptible to ground-water withdrawals. Most natural ground-water and surface-water discharge from...
Guy A. DeMeo, J. LaRue Smith, Nancy A. Damar, Jon Darnell
ET–The key to balancing the water budget in the Southwest
Throughout the Southwest, state and federal water-resource managers are becoming increasingly concerned about the impacts of future groundwater development on the region’s limited water resources, environmentally sensitive ecosystems, and rural lifestyle. To address their concerns, scientists and engineers are deploying physically based mathematical models to assess and predict the...
Michael T. Moreo, Nancy A. Damar, Randell J. Laczniak
Interferograms showing land subsidence and uplift in Las Vegas Valley, Nevada, 1992-99
The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Nevada Department of Conservation and Natural Resources-Division of Water Resources and the Las Vegas Valley Water District, compiled 44 individual interferograms and 1 stacked interferogram comprising 29 satellite synthetic aperture radar acquisitions of Las Vegas Valley, Nevada, from 1992 to 1999. The interferograms, which depict...
Michael T. Pavelko, Jörn Hoffmann, Nancy A. Damar
Science and Products
Science in the Colorado River Basin
The Colorado River is one of the longest rivers in the Western United States. It begins in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado and flows southwestward until it reaches Mexico where it becomes a small stream or dry riverbed. The Colorado River forms the border between southeastern Nevada and northwestern Arizona. In Nevada, Hoover Dam and Davis Dam control the flow of the river and create two...
Delineation of Vegetation Using Satellite Imagery, Clark County
In 2006, USGS, in cooperation with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), began a 4-year study of the Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area (NCA) to produce a land-cover data set from DigitalGlobe’s QuickBird high-resolution (2.4-meter) satellite imagery and field vegetation data. In 2010, the study was extended to include the Clark County portion of Mormon Mesa, and Coyote Springs and Piute...
Foundational geospatial data sets for delineating drainage areas for Nevada StreamStats
This data release contains vector and raster geospatial data for delineating drainage basins in the Nevada StreamStats study area. Included are vector streamline, waterbody, and inner wall data used to hydrologically condition the digital elevation model. The hydrologically-conditioned digital elevation model, flow direction, flow accumulation, and stream delineation raster data are also...
Geospatial data for the report Groundwater Discharge by Evapotranspiration from the Amargosa Wild and Scenic River and Contributing Areas, Inyo and San Bernardino Counties, California
This data release supports U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2023-5106, Groundwater Discharge by Evapotranspiration from the Amargosa Wild and Scenic River and Contributing Areas, Inyo and San Bernardino Counties, California. Geospatial datasets presented are two polygon shapefiles representing the groundwater discharge areas and evapotranspiration units for the...
Digital hydrologic and geospatial data for the Rio Grande transboundary integrated hydrologic model and water-availability analysis, New Mexico and Texas, United States, and Northern Chihuahua, Mexico
Digital hydrologic and geospatial data for the Rio Grande transboundary integrated hydrologic model and water-availability analysis, New Mexico and Texas, United States, and Northern Chihuahua, Mexico
Groundwater discharge by evapotranspiration from the Amargosa Wild and Scenic River and contributing areas, Inyo and San Bernardino Counties, California
The Amargosa Wild and Scenic River, located in the southwestern Mojave Desert in Inyo and San Bernardino Counties, California, is a Federally protected waterway that supports the biodiversity of the region. Water in the river primarily comes from interbasin groundwater flow that originates as precipitation in the Spring Mountains. The precipitation enters the regional groundwater system...
Michael T. Pavelko, Nancy A. Damar
Hydraulic characterization of volcanic rocks in Pahute Mesa using an integrated analysis of 16 multiple-well aquifer tests, Nevada National Security Site, 2009–14
An improved understanding of groundwater flow and radionuclide migration downgradient from underground nuclear-testing areas at Pahute Mesa, Nevada National Security Site, requires accurate subsurface hydraulic characterization. To improve conceptual models of flow and transport in the complex hydrogeologic system beneath Pahute Mesa, the U.S. Geological Survey characterized bulk...
C. Amanda Garcia, Tracie R. Jackson, Keith J. Halford, Donald S. Sweetkind, Nancy A. Damar, Joseph M. Fenelon, Steven R. Reiner
Hydroclimate of the Spring Mountains and Sheep Range, Clark County, Nevada
Precipitation, potential evapotranspiration, and actual evapotranspiration often are used to characterize the hydroclimate of a region. Quantification of these parameters in mountainous terrains is difficult because limited access often hampers the collection of representative ground data. To fulfill a need to characterize ecological zones in the Spring Mountains and Sheep Range of...
Michael T. Moreo, Gabriel B. Senay, Alan L. Flint, Nancy A. Damar, Randell J. Laczniak, James Hurja
Vegetation database for land-cover mapping, Clark and Lincoln Counties, Nevada
Floristic and other vegetation data were collected at 3,175 sample sites to support land-cover mapping projects in Clark and Lincoln Counties, Nevada, from 2007 to 2013. Data were collected at sample sites that were selected to fulfill mapping priorities by one of two different plot sampling approaches. Samples were described at the stand level and classified into the National Vegetation...
David A. Charlet, Nancy A. Damar, Patrick J. Leary
Land-cover mapping of Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area and Coyote Springs, Piute-Eldorado Valley, and Mormon Mesa Areas of Critical Environmental Concern, Clark County, Nevada
DigitalGlobe’s QuickBird satellite high-resolution multispectral imagery was classified by using Visual Learning Systems’ Feature Analyst feature extraction software to produce land-cover data sets for the Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area and the Coyote Springs, Piute-Eldorado Valley, and Mormon Mesa Areas of Critical Environmental Concern in Clark County, Nevada. Over 1,000...
J. LaRue Smith, Nancy A. Damar, David A. Charlet, Craig L. Westenburg
Digitized generalized areas where surface-water resources likely or potentially are susceptible to groundwater withdrawals in adjacent valleys, Great Basin National Park area, Nevada
Abstract Polygons delineate generalized areas in and around Great Basin National Park where surface-water resources likely or potentially are susceptible to groundwater withdrawals in adjacent valleys. Purpose This data set was created as part of a U.S. Geological Survey study, done in cooperation with the National Park Service, to characterize surface-water resources in and around Great...
Peggy E. Elliott, David A. Beck, David E. Prudic
Quantifying Ground-Water and Surface-Water Discharge from Evapotranspiration Processes in 12 Hydrographic Areas of the Colorado Regional Ground-Water Flow System, Nevada, Utah, and Arizona
Rapid population growth in southern Nevada has increased the demand for additional water supplies from rural areas of northern Clark and southern Lincoln counties to meet projected water-supply needs. Springs and rivers in these undeveloped areas sustain fragile riparian habitat and may be susceptible to ground-water withdrawals. Most natural ground-water and surface-water discharge from...
Guy A. DeMeo, J. LaRue Smith, Nancy A. Damar, Jon Darnell
ET–The key to balancing the water budget in the Southwest
Throughout the Southwest, state and federal water-resource managers are becoming increasingly concerned about the impacts of future groundwater development on the region’s limited water resources, environmentally sensitive ecosystems, and rural lifestyle. To address their concerns, scientists and engineers are deploying physically based mathematical models to assess and predict the...
Michael T. Moreo, Nancy A. Damar, Randell J. Laczniak
Interferograms showing land subsidence and uplift in Las Vegas Valley, Nevada, 1992-99
The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Nevada Department of Conservation and Natural Resources-Division of Water Resources and the Las Vegas Valley Water District, compiled 44 individual interferograms and 1 stacked interferogram comprising 29 satellite synthetic aperture radar acquisitions of Las Vegas Valley, Nevada, from 1992 to 1999. The interferograms, which depict...
Michael T. Pavelko, Jörn Hoffmann, Nancy A. Damar