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R. Randall Schumann

I am a Geologist Emeritus in the Geosciences and Environmental Change Science Center in Denver, Colorado, conducting studies on the effects of climate change on landscape dynamics in coastal and fluvial environments. 

I began my career at the USGS in 1980 with research focusing on fluvial geomorphology and sedimentology of anastomosing river channels; wetland hydrology; surficial uranium deposits; and the geology and geochemistry of radon in rocks and soils.  I received the Department of Interior's Superior Service Award for my work on radon. I was a member of the Central Publications Group from 1995-1997 and was coordinator of computer support, GIS, and web services for the Earth Surface Processes Team from 1997-2000. I served as Team Chief Scientist (Center Director) of the Earth Surface Processes Team from 2002-2008, director of the National Ice Core Laboratory from 2007-2008, and Center Director of GECSC 2018-2020. I retired from USGS in 2022 but I am pleased and honored to continue pursuing my research interests as a Scientist Emeritus.


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