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Robert Zielinski

Robert Zielinski is currently an emeritus-volunteer with the uranium research group in Denver. He serves as an advisor/reviewer/mentor and provides support of field work, sample archiving, web page development, and the uranium research group library.  

Robert Zielinski is a research chemist (retired-emeritus) in the USGS Central Energy Resources Team in Denver, Colorado. He earned a B.A. in chemistry from Rutgers University in 1967 and a Ph.D. in geochemistry from M.I.T. in 1972. He was awarded a National Research Council Postdoctoral Fellowship with the USGS from 1972-1973, and accepted a permanent research position in 1974. His research interests include the use of trace-element geochemistry and isotopic measurements to describe natural geologic processes and to evaluate the environmental impacts of energy resource development.


Robert Zielinski originally applied his expertise in trace-element geochemistry to better understand natural processes such as igneous rock petrogenesis, trace element mobility during alteration and weathering of volcanic rocks, uranium source rock evaluation, and uranium uptake in wetlands. More recently he has used trace elements and various stable and radiogenic isotopes to evaluate the environmental impacts of  excess nutrients in the Everglades, historic uranium mining in the western U.S., historic coal mining in Colorado, and oil and gas development at various sites throughout the U.S. including two USGS research sites in Osage County, Oklahoma. Sampled media have included drill cores, soil, lake sediments, surface water, ground water, peat, coal fly ash, mine waste rock, and living vegetation. He is a recognized expert on the geochemistry of uranium and its decay products and on the use of uranium and radium isotopes to identify environmental impacts from anthropogenic sources of pollution such as uranium mill tailings, abandoned uranium mines and mine waste, radium-rich oilfield scales, and U-bearing phosphate fertilizers.


Dr. Zielinski is first author of 65 scientific publications and has presented a similar number of talks at national and international scientific meetings.  He has served as a Project Chief, Section Leader, and coordinator of research.  He served for thirteen years as an Associate Editor for Applied Geochemistry. 

Currently he is an emeritus-volunteer with the uranium research group in Denver. He serves as an advisor/reviewer/mentor and provides support of field work, sample archiving, web page development, and the uranium research group library.  

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