This image is of a perfect row in a field with a USGS Gage in the background. The image was taken by Shane Stocks out of the LMG Jackson, MS office.
Shane J Stocks
Shane J Stocks is a Physical Scientist in the Lower Mississippi-Gulf Water Science Center, Duty Station: Jackson, Mississippi
Science and Products
Water-quality data for selected streams in the Mississippi Alluvial Plain ecoregion, northwestern Mississippi, September – October 2007
Watershed Restoration & Protection Studies (319 Monitoring) - Mississippi
This image is of a perfect row in a field with a USGS Gage in the background. The image was taken by Shane Stocks out of the LMG Jackson, MS office.
This image was taken at the Strong River at D'Lo, Mississippi by Shane Stocks who is a Hydrologic Technician out of the Jackson, MS office. Shane used an infared camera to take this long exposure shot of the river.
This image was taken at the Strong River at D'Lo, Mississippi by Shane Stocks who is a Hydrologic Technician out of the Jackson, MS office. Shane used an infared camera to take this long exposure shot of the river.
Science and Products
Water-quality data for selected streams in the Mississippi Alluvial Plain ecoregion, northwestern Mississippi, September – October 2007
Watershed Restoration & Protection Studies (319 Monitoring) - Mississippi
This image is of a perfect row in a field with a USGS Gage in the background. The image was taken by Shane Stocks out of the LMG Jackson, MS office.
This image is of a perfect row in a field with a USGS Gage in the background. The image was taken by Shane Stocks out of the LMG Jackson, MS office.
This image was taken at the Strong River at D'Lo, Mississippi by Shane Stocks who is a Hydrologic Technician out of the Jackson, MS office. Shane used an infared camera to take this long exposure shot of the river.
This image was taken at the Strong River at D'Lo, Mississippi by Shane Stocks who is a Hydrologic Technician out of the Jackson, MS office. Shane used an infared camera to take this long exposure shot of the river.