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Sharon A Poessel

I am a Wildlife Biologist at the U.S. Geological Survey. My research focuses on ecology and conservation of a diverse mix of wildlife species throughout the western United States. 

Much of my research focuses on understanding the movements and habitat use of animals across the landscape and using this knowledge to advance the conservation of wildlife species. My work has encompassed the study of multiple species, including black-footed ferrets, coyotes, bobcats, swift foxes, California condors, golden eagles, turkey vultures, riparian songbirds, loons, sage-grouse, trumpeter swans, Mohave ground squirrels, and desert kit foxes. More recently, my research efforts have been directed towards the deserts of southern California, examining ecological questions pertaining to species of conservation concern. I am also interested in urban wildlife ecology and the use of non-lethal methods to resolve wildlife-human conflicts. 



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