Victor S Cortes, II
Victor Cortes is a Physical Scientist with the Pennsylvania Water Science Center.
Victor is a Physical Scientist in the Flood Response and Field Innovation Unit (FRU/FIU) of the Pennsylvania Water Science. Recent work includes testing novel field instrumentation, developing a network of rapid deployment flood sensors in Pennsylvania, statistical hydrology and trend analysis within the Delaware River Basin, and topographic surveying for geomorphology projects. Before joining the FIU/FRU and the Hydrologic Investigations section, Victor was a member of the Hydrologic Networks section and maintained a field trip of streamgages with water quality.
Victor is broadly interested in spatial analysis at various scales, advanced topographic surveying techniques, flood science, non-contact and remote sensed streamflow measurement, and testing of emerging technologies in water science.
Professional Experience
Physical Scientist – USGS Pennsylvania Water Science Center - 2022-Present
Hydrologic Technician, USGS Pennsylvania Water Science Center, 2018-2022
Biological Science Technician – USFS Aquatic and Riparian Effectiveness Monitoring Program – Corvallis, Oregon - 2018
Education and Certifications
B.A. Biological Sciences, Drew University 2018
Science and Products
Rapid Deployment Network for Flooding in Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania Surface Water-Quality Monitoring Network
Data in support of flow statistics for the Delaware River Basin
Calibration data and model archive summaries for suspended-sediment, total nitrogen, and total phosphorus concentration surrogate models in York County, Pennsylvania, 2019-2023 (ver. 2.0, May 2024)
Hurricane Ida: USGS Response in Pennsylvania to September 1-2, 2021, Flooding Related to Remnants of Hurricane Ida
This geonarrative is an interactive online presentation of the USGS Pennsylvania Water Science Center's data collection efforts related to Hurricane Ida. This geonarrative includes a summary of the storm in Pennsylvania, USGS data collection methods, embedded interactive maps of flood extents in 5 southeastern Pennsylvania localities, and visual depictions of the storm’s impact across the state.
Flood Data Collection in Pennsylvania - Rapid Deployment Network
USGS is helping identify potential locations in Pennsylvania where additional or updated water-level data may be needed during or after major storm events. Pre-identification of these locations supports expedited decision-making for site selection, resulting in safer and more timely installation of flood monitoring instruments.
Science and Products
Rapid Deployment Network for Flooding in Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania Surface Water-Quality Monitoring Network
Data in support of flow statistics for the Delaware River Basin
Calibration data and model archive summaries for suspended-sediment, total nitrogen, and total phosphorus concentration surrogate models in York County, Pennsylvania, 2019-2023 (ver. 2.0, May 2024)
Hurricane Ida: USGS Response in Pennsylvania to September 1-2, 2021, Flooding Related to Remnants of Hurricane Ida
This geonarrative is an interactive online presentation of the USGS Pennsylvania Water Science Center's data collection efforts related to Hurricane Ida. This geonarrative includes a summary of the storm in Pennsylvania, USGS data collection methods, embedded interactive maps of flood extents in 5 southeastern Pennsylvania localities, and visual depictions of the storm’s impact across the state.
Flood Data Collection in Pennsylvania - Rapid Deployment Network
USGS is helping identify potential locations in Pennsylvania where additional or updated water-level data may be needed during or after major storm events. Pre-identification of these locations supports expedited decision-making for site selection, resulting in safer and more timely installation of flood monitoring instruments.