1000.1 – Emergency Management Planning and Response
Date: 06/28/2019
OPR: Emergency Management Office within the Natural Hazards Mission Area
Instruction: This Survey Manual (SM) chapter supersedes SM 1000.1, Emergency Planning and Operations – Purpose, Policy, Procedure, archived for revisions 08/14/2006.
1. Purpose. This SM chapter establishes policies, functions and responsibilities of U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Emergency Management Program to date. USGS Emergency Management consists of three functional areas: Continuity of Operations, Operational Response, and Planning, Training, and Exercises.
2. Authorities. USGS Emergency Management activities are carried out under authorities established by the Organic Act of March 3, 1879 (20 Stat. 394; 43 U.S.C. 31), et seq. and additional congressional acts outlined in USGS Survey Manual 120.1 - Creation, Mission, and Functions.
3. Policy. The Department of the Interior (DOI) provides overall guidance and policies for developing and managing an emergency management program within the USGS. General guidelines are available through the DOI Departmental Manual (DM) Part 900, DOI Emergency Policies and Plans. USGS plans are developed in alignment with National doctrine including:
A. Federal Continuity Directives 1 and 2,
B. The National Preparedness System and associated Frameworks,
C. The DOI All-Hazards Baseline Operations Plan, and
D. Other guidance listed in DM 900, Appendix 2-D.
4. Functional Areas. USGS Emergency Management focuses development and operational activities in three functional areas:
A. Continuity of Operations (COOP). USGS Emergency Management develops and maintains continuity of operations management plans and emergency response activities to ensure scientific information is responsive to Federal, state, local and tribal emergency preparedness. Continuity planning efforts strive to ensure that the USGS adheres to provisions of executive orders, Presidential Directives, Federal Preparedness circulars, Department of Homeland Security and DOI policy and guidance. Additionally, USGS COOP planning efforts work internally to maintain federally mandated executive COOP plans and required supplemental plans.
B. Operational Response. USGS Emergency Management coordinates across all Mission Areas and Offices to oversee the Bureau’s emergency management activities. These include providing executive direction, external communication, and oversight and support to USGS managers in responding to major disasters and other events and ensuring that the USGS is able to fulfill its mission under all circumstances. In responding to natural disasters, the USGS has a responsibility to ensure effective coordination across the Bureau to eliminate redundancies, share resources, provide consistent and timely communications, and ensure that response teams receive timely support from bureau leadership. The USGS Hazard Response Executive Committee (HREC) was established in April 2007 to administer this function. The HREC provides executive direction, oversight, and support to the Bureau Emergency Management Coordinator. HREC roles and responsibilities are detailed in SM Chapter 308.26, Emergency Preparedness Committee.
C. Planning, Training and Exercises. USGS Emergency Management develops, maintains and improves Bureau-wide activities focused on emergency response, planning and mission continuity. USGS response and recovery planning provides consistent and thorough guidance that incorporates relevant bureau resources and assets, and provides the information needed by those who make science and safety decisions. A comprehensive All-Hazards Response Plan aligned with DOI and Federal doctrine defines USGS actions, roles, and responsibilities regardless of the incident which has caused an emergency-response effort. The Plan provides a framework for all USGS event response covering common goals, policies, and procedures and will be supplemented by scenario-specific standalone plans as annexes. USGS Emergency Management provides guidance and support to the development of internal exercise scenarios and coordinates support to external emergency preparedness and operations exercises to validate plans and identify any needed corrective actions.
5. Workforce Accountability. In conjunction with the Office of Administration and the Office of Enterprise Information, USGS Emergency Management oversees and coordinates the policy and procedures involved with workforce accountability. It is essential to have the ability to account for and report the status of the USGS’ workforce during disasters and events or when otherwise requested by the Bureau. SM Chapter 1000.2, USGS Workforce Accounting and Status Reporting Plan, describes responsibilities and provides guidance for reporting workforce (including employees, volunteers, and contractors) status information and reiterates the importance of the workforce for maintaining and sustaining USGS mission essential functions.
6. USGS Activities in Support of the National Preparedness System. USGS provides scientific data and technical assistance that informs decision-making for response, recovery and mitigation activities, as defined in the National Response Framework, the National Disaster Recovery Framework, and the National Mitigation Framework. Support can be provided through interagency agreements, mutual aid agreements, and Federal Emergency Management Agency mission assignments. During a response, Emergency Support Functions (ESF) are a critical mechanism to coordinate functional capabilities and resources provided by Federal departments and agencies, along with certain private-sector and nongovernmental organizations. USGS scientific data and technical assistance often support ESF 5, Information and Planning. USGS is a principal planner for ESF 11, Agriculture and Natural Resources, and focuses on responding to animal and plant diseases and pests.
7. Expiration Date. This policy must be reviewed biennially, or more frequently as needed.
/s/ Katherine M. McCulloch 06/28/2019
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Katherine M. McCulloch Date
Associate Director for Administration