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200.1 - Delegations



Issuance Number:      200.1

Subject:                            Delegations 

Responsible Office:    Office of the Director

Issuance Date:              9/29/2024

Expiration Date:           9/29/2029

Instruction:                    Refer to chapters in the Survey Manual (SM) Delegation Series (200-220) for redelegations and special delegations. 

Approving Official:      David Applegate

                                           Director, U.S. Geological Survey


1.    Purpose.  The purpose of the SM Delegation Series is to list the delegations of authority made by the Secretary to the Director and to record the redelegations of these authorities by the Director to other officials at various levels within the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).

2.    Authority.  Department of the Interior, Departmental Manual (DM), 120 DM 1, Creation, Authority, Mission, and Functions; 120 DM 2, Office of the Director; 220 DM 2, General Program Authority; and DM Part 220.

3.    Reference.  SM 120.2, Office of the Director.

4.    Policy.  Delegations made by the Secretary to the Director, either directly or as the “head of a Bureau,” and redelegations by the Director to other officials in the USGS, are published in the SM Delegation Series.  Any delegations of authority made by the Secretary to the Director that do not currently apply to a USGS function or operation will not be listed in the SM Delegation Series.  Any delegations that are ineligible to be redelegated from the Director to others within the USGS will be noted in the respective SM chapter.

5.    Scope.  The Delegation Series prescribes general policy and procedures on delegations and redelegations.  This may also include record of redelegations of authority made by the Director based on the inherent duties of a position.  SM chapters do not contain temporary delegations (issued by Secretary’s Order) from the Secretary to the Director.

6.    Limitations.  The delegations made by the Secretary to the Director and any redelegation of such authorities have the following limitations:

A.  Redelegation Level.  A specific delegation may limit the level to which it may be redelegated.

B.  Code of Federal Regulations Documents.  Unless specifically mentioned in the delegation, no delegation includes the authority to publish documents in the “Code of Federal Regulations.”

C.  Legal Services.  Delegations do not include the authority to perform the legal services related to the function delegated.


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