OPR: Office of Communications and Outreach
Instruction: This chapter replaces Chapter 308.17, dated July 8, 1988, and changes responsibility to the Office of Communications and Outreach.
1. Establishment. Established by Director’s memorandum, dated April 10, 1972.
2. Purpose. On a continuing basis, the Committee will review the aesthetics of the public areas of the John Wesley Powell Federal Building and grounds, home of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Center, and make recommendations to the Director, Office of Communications and Outreach, for actions to maintain a pleasing, interesting, and informative environment. The Committee will coordinate and advise on the elements of a program to display works of fine arts in the public portions of the National Center including paintings, sculpture, textiles, photography and other art media. The Committee will make recommendations on the type, location, quality, and appropriateness of fine arts and educational material to be exhibited both inside and outside; and will review and make recommendations regarding other materials and objects used at the National Center that affect its appearance and aesthetic appeal.
3. Representation. The Committee will be comprised of a minimum of 12 representatives from various components of the U. S. Geological Survey. Members are selected by their respective Division Chiefs or supervisors with the concurrence of the Chairperson. Members serve a term of three years. Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and Secretary are elected by the Committee and serve a two-year term.
4. Type of Organization. Permanent.
5. Reporting. The Committee reports to the Director, Office of Communications and Outreach.
6. Staff. None.
7. Funding. One of the responsibilities of the Fine Arts Committee is making sure that the John Wesley Powell Federal Building and grounds are maintained to provide a pleasing, interesting, and informative environment for employees and visitors. To do this, funding may be required to accomplish a recommended action or project. On a case by case basis, the Committee will seek funding from appropriate sources. The Committee will maintain an up-to-date record of all projects, contributions, and contributors.
8. Meetings. The Committee will meet on a quarterly basis. Additional meetings may be called at the discretion of the Chairperson.
9. Subcommittees. The Chairperson is authorized to appoint subcommittees on an ad hoc or continuing basis with the endorsement of members of the Committee.
10. Termination Date. None. The need for continuation of this Committee will be reviewed every three years.
(signed) Carol F. Aten
Carol F. Aten
Chief, Office of Administrative Policy and Services