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308.18 - Incentive Awards Committee

The Incentive Awards Committee was established to review and approve cash awards to employees.


OPR: Admin/Office of Personnel

1. Establishment. Established originally as Suggestions and Awards Committee by Survey Order 201, September 27, 1950.

2. Purpose or Function.

A. Bureau Incentive Awards Committee. To review and approve cash awards between $1501 and $5,000 for employees within headquarters personnel authority; to review and approve cash awards between $2,001 and $5,000 for employees Bureauwide; and to make recommendations to the Director for cash awards above $5,000 and for honorary awards for employees Bureauwide.

B. Regional Incentive Awards Committee. To review and approve cash awards between $1501 and $2,000 for employees within the Region's servicing personnel authority.

C. All Committees. To promote the awards program and to encourage employee participation in improving the efficiency and economy of operations.

3. Representation.

Chairperson: Personnel Officer, Administrative Division

Members: This Committee will be composed of representatives from each of the Divisions and the Director's Office.

4. Type of Organization. Permanent.

5. Reporting. To the Executive Committee.

6. Staff. Provided by the Chairperson.

7. Meetings. At the call of the Chairperson.

8. Permanent Subcommittees. Eastern Region Incentive Awards Committee; Central Region Incentive Awards Committee; Western Region Incentive Awards Committee; Mid-Continent States Incentive Awards Committee; Southeastern Region Incentive Awards Committee.

The Chairperson is authorized to establish subcommittees on an ad hoc or permanent basis with the endorsement of the members of the Committee.

9. Termination Date. None. This Committee will be reviewed every 3 years.

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