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308.42 - Business Enterprise Council

The Business Enterprise Council was established to provide oversight and operational guidance on private sector activities and make recommendations to the Associate Director for Operations, as appropriate, to ensure Bureau adherence to the highest ethical standard and commitment to scientific integrity.


OPR: Director's Office

1. Establishment. Established by the Director, July, 1995.

2. Authority. Authority for Council actions include:

A. 43 U.S.C. 36c, Acceptance of contributions from public and private sources (by the USGS).

B. 15 U.S.C. 3710a-d, the Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act of 1980 as amended through 1993.

C. Executive Order 12591, Facilitating Access to Science and Technology.

3. Purpose. Provide Bureau oversight and operational guidance on private sector activities and make recommendations to the Associate Director for Operations, as appropriate, to ensure Bureau adherence to the highest ethical standard and commitment to scientific integrity. The duties and responsibilities of the Business Enterprise Council are to:

A. Provide advice and recommendations to the Associate Director for Operations on agreements with the private sector (e.g., CRADAs, Licenses, Contributions, Personnel Exchange, and Work for Others).

B. Advise the Chief, Technology Enterprise Office, on the disbursement of funds from contributions and Bureau royalty income to promote projects that have a high potential for generating future income to the Bureau through collaboration with industrial partners.

C. Review and approve Reports of Invention (DI 1215) with regard to seeking patents for the USGS or releasing patent rights to the inventor(s).

D. Identify the parts of the USGS that can work ethically and productively with industry. Determine the range of opportunities in which the USGS can establish partnerships with industry that continue to uphold the mission and the scientific integrity of the Bureau.

E. Identify potential industry client groups and develop and promote Bureau partnerships with the private sector.

F. Plan workshops with potential clients to determine their needs and the ability of the USGS to meet those needs.

G. Assess client satisfaction.

H. Identify needs for training and facilitate opportunities for training.

4. Membership. The Council consists of representatives (nominated by their division or office chief ) from the following:

Biological Resources Division,

Geologic Division,

National Mapping Division,

Water Resources Division,

Outreach Office,

Senior Advisor for Science Applications,

Bureau Contracting Officer,

Chief, Technology Enterprise Office,

Deputy Bureau Ethics Counselor,

Technology Transfer Specialist, Intellectual Property, and

Ex-Officio members as appropriate

The Council is chaired by the Chief, Technology Enterprise Office.

5. Type of Organization. Temporary.

6. Reporting. The Business Enterprise Council will report to the Operations Council.

7. Staff. Technology Enterprise Office will provide technical support to the Council.

8. Meetings. At the call of the Chairperson.

9. Subcommittees. The Chairperson may establish temporary or ad hoc working groups or subcommittees as appropriate.

10. Sunset Review. The need for continuation of this Council will be reviewed every 3 years.

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