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308.49 - Minerals Management Service/USGS Intra-agency Committee for Program Coordination

It is in the national interest that related program responsibilities of the Minerals Management Service/USGS are closely coordinated and mutually supportive. 


OPR: Director's Office

1. Establishment. Originally established by Memorandum of Understanding signed February 4, 1983, by the Director, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), and February 10, 1983, by the Director, Minerals Management Service (MMS). Revised version approved by Director, MMS, on June 2, 1987, and the Director, USGS, on April 30, 1987.

2. Purpose or Function. It is in the national interest that related program responsibilities of the MMS and USGS be closely coordinated and mutually supportive. The duties and responsibilities of the MMS/USGS Intra-agency Committee for Program Coordination are:

A. To coordinate related programs and research within the full range of interface between the two bureaus. These include programs involving the following activities:

(1) MMS will exercise all appraisal and management functions in direct support of the OCS/EEZ leasing program. MMS functions include, but are not limited to, the following:

(a) Acquisition, interpretation, and dissemination of data and information collected under permits issued by MMS.

(b) Preparation of all OCS/EEZ appraisals and resource estimates.

(c) Determination of the areas of hydrocarbon/mineral potential in each OCS planning area.

(d) Preparation of regional hazards data and analyses to support OCS/EEZ mineral leasing activities.

(e) Preparation of geologic or resource reports required by the OCS/EEZ leasing activities.

(f) Fair market value determinations for OCS/EEZ energy and nonenergy mineral leases.

(2) USGS will exercise functions derived from its Organic Act, including, but not limited to, the following:

(a) Collection of new scientific data as fundamental to its research mission.

(b) Preparation, synthesis, and dissemination of earth science data and information generated as a result of research.

(c) Preparation and dissemination of geologic framework studies, topical and process studies, and the synthesis of non proprietary data related to geologic potential generated as a part of research activity.

(d) Synthesis, analysis, and dissemination of available regional hazards data.

(e) Monitoring, assessments, surveys, and investigations of biological and earth science resources.

(f) Petroleum geology and nonenergy minerals geology and environmental geology studies generated as a result of its research effort.

B. To arrange for cooperation and support in the operational conduct of related programs.

C. To provide for the exchange of data, information, and findings of mutual concern.

D. To exchange program and budget information during the preparation stages, and to share information with budgetary implications whenever appropriate.

E. To provide a venue for MMS to consult with USGS pursuant to the FY 1995 Appropriations Bill Directive requiring MMS, "to give the USGS the 'right of first refusal' for each of its environmental study projects before contracting with outside parties."

3. Representation.

Co-Chairpersons: Director, USGS, and Director, Minerals Management Service.

Executive Secretariat: Chief, Office of Program Planning and Coordination, USGS; representative as designated by Director, MMS.

Members: There will be equal membership from both agencies, preferably with officials at the policy level to represent the specific activities listed in 2.A.

4. Staff. To be provided by the Co-Chairpersons.

5. Meetings. The Committee will meet semi-annually, or at the discretion of the Co-Chairpersons.

6. Termination Date. None. The Committee will continue to function until either party declares its abolition in writing. The charter for this Committee shall be reviewed every 3 years.

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