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308.51 - Environmental Protection Agency/U.S. Geological Survey Interagency Committee for Program Coordination

The Environmental Protection Agency/U.S. Geological Survey Interagency Committee was established to coordinate related programs and research within the full range of interface between the two agencies.


OPR: Assistant Director for Intergovernmental Affairs

1. Establishment. Reestablished by Memorandum of Understanding signed November 26, 1985, by the Associate Director, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), and December 5, 1985, by the Director, Office of Federal Activities, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

2. Purpose or Function. It is in the national interest that related program responsibilities of the EPA and USGS be closely coordinated and mutually supportive. The duties and responsibilities of the EPA/USGS Interagency Committee for Program Coordination are:

A. To coordinate related programs and research within the full range of interface between the two agencies. These include programs involving the following activities:

(1) Implementation of the EPA/USGS Ground-Water Memorandum of Understanding.

(2) Development of the National Water Quality Assessment Program.

(3) Toxic substance issues.

Ground water (research)

Surface water (research)

Water research projects


Nuclear waste


(4) The National Water Summary

(5) The Radon Mitigation Strategy

(6) Acid Deposition Program

Research Program

Regulatory Program

(7) National Mapping Requirements Program

(8) Environmental Geochemistry Program

(9) Global Climate Change Programs

3. Representation.

Co-Chairpersons: Associate Director, USGS, and Director, Office of Federal Activities, EPA.

Executive Secretariat: Assistant Director for Intergovernmental Affairs, USGS; and Federal Activities Liaison, Office of Federal Activities, EPA.

Members: Each agency shall appoint a policy level official to serve as Subcommittee Co-Chairpersons of each of the permanent Key Issues Groups as identified in paragraph 6.

4. Staff. Staff and other members will be provided by the Co-Chairpersons.

5. Meetings. The Committee will meet semi-annually, or at the discretion of the Co-Chairpersons.

6. Key Issues Groups. Implementation of the EPA/USGS Ground-Water Memorandum of Understanding; development of the National Water Quality Assessment Program; toxic substance issues -- ground water (research), surface water (research), water research projects, CERCLA/RCRA, nuclear waste, and pesticides; the National Water Summary; the Radon Mitigation Strategy; Acid Deposition Program -- Research Program and Regulatory Program; the National Mapping Requirements Program; the Environmental Geochemistry Program; and Global Climate Change.

7. Termination Date. None. The Committee will continue to function until either party declares its abolition in writing. The charter for this Committee shall be reviewed every 3 years.

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