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308.57 - Human Resources Council

The purpose of the Human Resources Council is to ensure the most effective, integrated management of human resources in the USGS.


OPR: Director's Office

1. Establishment. The USGS Human Resources Council (HRC) was established by the USGS Policy Council on July 15, 1996.

2. Purpose. The purpose of the HRC is to ensure the most effective, integrated management of human resources in the USGS. The HRC provides recommendations to the Operations Council on the full range of USGS human resources issues. Specifically, the HRC identifies bureauwide human resources concerns and proposes strategies for dealing with them, participates in short- and long-range planning for the management of USGS human resources, provides input to existing USGS human resources programs, benchmarks other organizations for innovative human resources practices, and proposes, develops, and facilitates implementation of new human resources programs in the USGS.

3. Representation.

A. The HRC consists of a total of eight members, including six senior level managers (typically SES or equivalent), the Bureau Personnel Officer, and the Bureau Equal Employment Opportunity Officer. To ensure a balance of organizational and geographical representation, the senior managers will be selected from each of the four program divisions and the Office of Program Support representing the three regions and headquarters. The senior managers are expected to represent both their organization and region. HRC membership will be reviewed at least every 3 years, or on an as-needed basis.

B. The Bureau Personnel Officer serves as HRC chair. The chair is responsible for guiding the HRC in the examination of human resources issues identified by the HRC; for bringing to bear all relevant human resources information necessary to make decisions on the issues; and for overseeing the implementation of the HRC's decisions.

4. Type of Organization. Temporary.

5. Reporting. The HRC reports to the Operations Council. As a member of the Operations Council, the HRC chair serves as the linkage between the two Councils.

6. Staff. The HRC will have a permanent Executive Secretary, who will be appointed by the Bureau Personnel Officer. Additional staff support may be requested, as needed, from throughout the USGS.

7. Meetings. The HRC meets no less than quarterly. To the extent possible, these meetings will be held in the field. Each meeting will include an opportunity for employees and employee groups at the meeting location to discuss human resources issues with the HRC.

8. Subcommittees. The chair of the HRC is authorized to establish subcommittees on an ad hoc or temporary basis with the endorsement of HRC members.

9. Sunset Review. The need for continuation of this Council will be reviewed every 3 years.

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