308.63 - Real Property Efficiency Plan (RPEP) Team
Issuance Number: 308.63
Subject: Real Property Efficiency Plan (RPEP) Team
Issuance Date: 09/28/2021
Expiration Date: 09/30/2025
Responsible Office: Office of Management Services
Instruction: This is a new charter.
Approving Official: /s/ Katherine M. McCulloch
Associate Director for Administration
1. Establishment/Purpose. The Real Property Efficiency Plan (RPEP) Team identifies, evaluates, and recommends projects that generate cost savings to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Projects that reduce owned or leased space, through consolidations or by improving space utilization will be submitted for decision to the Office of Management Services (OMS) Chief for inclusion into the Deferred Maintenance and Capital Improvement (DMCI) 5-Year Plan annual update.
2. Scope. Per Government-wide and Department of the Interior (DOI) rules to collocate, and to meet established space utilization standards, the RPEP board will evaluate projects based on DOI standards, Federal best practices for Real Property management, and criteria below:
A. Contribution to the USGS mission and facilities operational objectives,
B. Net present value,
C. Payback period,
D. Annualized savings,
E. Footprint reduction,
F. Utilization Rate,
G. Reduction of Deferred Maintenance backlog (where applicable), and
H. Funding contribution from other sources.
3. Authority.
A. Executive Order No. 13327, Federal Real Property Asset Management, Fed. Reg., 5897, Vol. 69, No. 25 (Feb 6, 2004)
B. Office of Management and Budget (OMB), National Strategy for the Efficient Use of Real Property 2015-2020: Reducing the Federal Portfolio through Improved Space Utilization, Consolidation, and Disposal (Washington, D.C.: Mar. 25, 2015)
C. OMB, Implementation of OMB Memorandum M-12-12 Section 3: Reduce the Footprint, Management Procedures Memorandum No. 2015-01 (Washington, D.C.: Mar. 25, 2015)
D. Federal Property Management Reform Act of 2016 (Pub. L. No. 114-318, 130 Stat. 1608)
E. The Federal Assets Sale and Transfer Act of 2016 (Pub. L. No. 114-287)
F. General Services Acquisition (GSA) Regulation, Part 570 (Acquisition of Leasehold Interest in Real Property)
G. DOI Budget Guidance – Deferred Maintenance and Capital Improvements Planning Guidelines (Attachment G)
H. Departmental Manual (DM) Part 425, Space Management, dated September 22, 2006
I. Survey Manual (SM) 429.1, Space Management, dated September 30, 1994
J. SM 420.1, Real Property Asset and Investment Management, dated March 29, 2017
4. Membership.
A. The RPEP membership is as shown below:
(1) Chief, Facilities Portfolio Planning and Budget Branch (Chair)
(2) Chief, Facilities Leasing and Management Branch
(3) Chief, Facilities Project Management and Support Branch
(4) Chief, Facilities Asset Management Branch
(5) Management Analyst, Facilities Management Programs
(6) A staff member from one of the Facilities Branches (Secretary and non-voting member)
B. At the discretion of the RPEP, ex-officio members may be named to provide specialized expertise and advice.
5. Responsibilities and Expectations. RPEP members will conduct the board’s duties in the most fiscally responsible manner and comply with OMB requirements, GSA Regulation, and other legislation and regulations that address capital planning and investment issues.
A. The RPEP Chair is responsible for:
(1) Providing overall coordination of the RPEP board, and
(2) Submitting official recommendations to the Chief, OMS for decisions above the Facility Investment Review Subcommittee (FIRS) threshold.
B. RPEP Members are responsible for:
(1) Participating in and attending meetings,
(2) Coordinating and collaborating with team members,
(3) Providing topical expertise for all projects,
(4) Assisting in the prioritization of investment opportunities,
(5) Evaluating projects on the merit of Section 2, Scope (above),
(6) Voting on individual projects for submission to the Chief, OMS, and
(7) Being familiar with and knowledgeable of the RPEP SharePoint web site and its documents.
C. A staff member from one of the Facilities branches (who serves as Secretary and is non-voting) is responsible for:
(1) Coordinating meetings, RPEP goals, required deliverables, and related activities,
(2) Facilitating meetings,
(3) Providing topical expertise when applicable,
(4) Maintaining the RPEP SharePoint web site,
(5) Providing meeting materials,
(6) Monitoring policy compliance, and
(7) Reporting cost savings.
6. Team Processes. The RPEP Board will:
A. Meet via teleconference on an as-needed basis.
B. Hold meetings that are designed to analyze, evaluate, and vote on projects for submission to the Chief, OMS, for inclusion into the DMCI 5-Year Plan according to the schedule for the current year DMCI Plan development cycle.
C. Proceed with decisions below the FIRS threshold. Recommendations for decisions above the FIRS threshold will be submitted to the Chief, OMS.
D. Use the RPEP SharePoint web site as the central repository for RPEP-related documents.
E. Recognize that a quorum of greater than half of the RPEP members must be present in order to make a decision.
F. Recognize that for a decision to pass, a majority of the RPEP (as a whole) must support the decision.
7. Sunset Provisions. The need for continuation of the RPEP will be reviewed every 3 years. The first review will be conducted at the beginning of Fiscal Year 2022, on or about November 2021. The next review will be conducted towards the end of FY 2025, by September 2025.