OPR: Administration/Office of Financial Management
Instruction: This replaces Survey Manual Chapter (SMC) 335.5, dated January 31, 1990.
1. Purpose and Scope. This chapter provides general guidelines for the care of, and accountability for, charge cards, and identifies where additional instructions may be found. This chapter applies bureauwide.
2. Policy. Charge cards used to incur indebtedness by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) or any of its organizational units are to be treated as accountable documents, negotiable instruments, or currency. When not in use, Fleet charge cards shall be secured with vehicle keys by individuals designated by Cost Center. Charge cards are to be restricted to the personal custody and use of employees to whom they are issued. Further, USGS employees can find Integrated Charge Card Program Guidance in the Acquisition Operating Procedures (AOP), Topic: Charge Card Program Guide.
3. Responsibilities. Each USGS employee issued a charge card by or through the USGS has a personal responsibility for using prudent measures to protect it, preventing its unauthorized use, and for returning it to a proper custodian either when it is no longer required or upon separation. (Additional instructions for each type of charge card are identified below).
4. General Procedures.
A. Fleet Charge Cards. All gasoline and other routine automotive supplies shall be made using the government Fleet charge card. See SMC 409.1, Personal Property – Vehicle Management and the Office of Management Services guidance for Motor Vehicle Management (internal link removed).
B. Travel Charge Cards. All USGS employees required to travel must have a Government charge card. USGS employees should refer to the Financial Operating Procedure, Chapter 26 for Travel Policy.
C. Purchase Charge Cards. All purchases made on behalf of the Government shall be made by a Federal employee with delegated purchasing authority using a government purchase card. USGS employees should refer to the AOP, Topic: Charge Card Program Guide for policy.
5. Expiration. USGS SMCs should be reviewed biennially, or as needed.
/s/ Roseann Gonzales
________________________________ 5/4/2018
Roseann Gonzales Date
Associate Director for Administration