370.412.1 - Supervisory, Management, and Executive Development --General Provisions
This chapter states USGS policy, assigns responsibility, and specifies the requirements of the USGS Supervisory, Management, and Executive Development Program.
OPR: Admin/Office of Personnel
1. Purpose. This chapter states USGS policy, assigns responsibility, and specifies the requirements of the USGS Supervisory, Management, and Executive Development Program.
2. Authorities.
A. 5 U.S.C. 4103 requires that training programs be established to increase economy and efficiency in the Federal Government and to raise the standards of employees' performance of their official duties to the maximum possible level of proficiency. 5 CFR 410.201 requires the review of short- and long-term training program needs for appropriate groups. The management team of supervisors, managers, and executives represents one such group.
B. 5 U.S.C. 3321 establishes a mandate for a period of probation before initial appointment as a supervisor or manager in the competitive service becomes final. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) interprets this to mean that agencies have an obligation to consider the competencies and possible development needs of newly-appointed supervisors and managers during this trial period.
C. 5 CFR, Part 412, requires that executive and management development programs be established. 5 U.S.C. 3393 and 3396 direct that programs must be established for the development of candidates for and incumbent members of the SES.
3. Definitions.
A. Supervisor and Manager. Supervisory and managerial positions are defined in accordance with the Supervisory Grade-Evaluation Guide published by OPM, which should be used in coverage determinations. However, for information purposes, partial descriptions are furnished.
(1) Supervisory positions are those in which incumbents perform supervisory duties and responsibilities with respect to three or more nonsupport employees.
(2) Managerial positions are those in which incumbents (a) direct the work of an organization, (b) are held accountable for the success of specific line or staff programs, and (c) monitor the progress of the organization toward goals, and periodically evaluate and make appropriate adjustments.
B. Executive criteria for defining executive positions are stated in 5 USC 3132 (a)(2). The duties and responsibilities for executive positions must be classifiable above the GS/GM-15 level.
4. Policy. Supervisors, managers, and executives in the USGS constitute the management team. Maintaining the quality and efficiency of USGS programs depends upon the responsiveness of this team, which manages the human and material resources, to achieve the bureau's objectives. In assuming this leadership role, the supervisors, managers, and executives enter a second profession, that of the professional manager. Achieving and sustaining management excellence within a management team requires that appropriate levels of management expertise be encouraged and supported through management development. In the pursuit of management excellence, the USGS will consider the support of whatever developmental opportunities that are necessary and appropriate. All persons who are eligible candidates will have equal consideration for developmental activities without regard to age, race, religion, color, handicap, national origin, politics or sex.
5. Management Excellence Framework. The Management Excellence Framework (MEF) is an Office of Personnel Management (OPM) developed model of the functions common to Federal management jobs and the effectiveness characteristics needed to perform those functions. The development of supervisors, managers, and executives in the USGS may be planned based on the competencies described in the MEF. The Management Excellence Inventory (MEI) is a questionnaire based on these elements. Individuals can complete the MEI to develop a profile of their management position and their developmental needs as related to that position. In addition to self-assessment under MEI, an individual can request assessment by an associate or supervisor. The MEI is available in two editions, one for executives and managers, and the other for supervisors with data supplied both individually and by group. Information about the MEF is available from the Headquarters Personnel Office. Inquiries on the MEI should be directed by servicing personnel offices to the Office of Personnel Management's MEI Services Function, at (202) 254-6946.
6. Program Requirements. All three levels of the management team, supervisors, managers, and executives, have requirements pertaining to the completion of Individual Development Plans (IDP's). Also, supervisors and managers must meet the minimal training requirements specified in SM 370.412.2 and SM 370.412.3.