370.593.1 - Nevada Test Site Location Allowance
Date: 6/23/1997
OPR: Office of Personnel
1. Purpose. This chapter prescribes the conditions described in Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular No. A-77 under which allowances will be paid to employees assigned to duty (other than temporary) at the Nevada Test Site (NTS), including the Nevada Research and Development Area (NRDA), of the Department of Energy.
2. Eligibility. To be eligible for the allowance, an employee must meet either of the following.
A. Be officially headquartered within the boundaries of NTS and reside in Las Vegas, Nevada, its suburbs, or another locality of 65 road miles or more from their headquarters, commuting daily between residence and headquarters. (Failure to return to residence during any 24 hour period does not void the allowance if the employee is officially required to remain at NTS or if the schedule and nature of work makes it impractical to leave NTS. The employee is not entitled to allowance for work on day immediately following an overnight stay at NTS for their personal convenience.)
B. Be officially headquartered within the boundaries of NTS and reside at NTS for the benefit of the Government, the determination of which is made by the Division Chief. The approved request for determination is submitted to the appropriate personnel office for filing in the employee's official personnel folder.
3. Places and Rates at Which Paid.
A. Mercury, Nevada - $5.00 per day
B. Other NTS locations including NRDA - $7.50 per day
The employee's official headquarters determines the rate of payments. However, when an employee is required to travel from their local residence to a work location at NTS other than their official station, the work location determines the rate of payment.
4. Conditions of Payment.
A. The allowance is payable for each calendar day, or part thereof (if absence is approved prior to or after reporting for duty), worked at an NTS location.
B. The allowance is not payable:
(1) On days when employee is in:
(a) Annual, sick, or other leave or absence status.
(b) Nonwork status, including legal holidays and nonwork days established by Executive or Administrative Order.
(2) To employees whose official headquarters are located elsewhere but who are in official travel status on a per diem basis at NTS locations.
5. Effect on other Allowances. Payment of the NTS allowance precludes:
A. Payment of per diem while on duty at NTS locations.
B. Payment of mileage for use of privately-owned vehicle between residence and duty station.
C. Use of Government-owned vehicle between residence and duty station.
6. Recording and Paying.
A. Certification as to (1) time worked each pay period at NTS and (2) residence location will be made in the "Remarks" space on the employee's Time and Attendance Report. For example:
8 days Mercury - $5.00
2 days NRDA - $7.50
Local Residence - Las Vegas, Nevada
B. Payment will be included in the employee's salary check and is subject to withholding for income tax.
7. Limitation. No provision is made for any retroactive reimbursement under Section 3 of the Act of March 31, 1966, Public Law 89-383.