National UVVR Map
May 20, 2021
This map is part of the USGS U.S. Coastal Wetland Geospatial Collection, which provides the data necessary to assess the health status of coastal wetlands throughout the contiguous United States and to understand the current and future services provided by these ecosystems.
This map shows the unvegetated and vegetated area of coastal wetlands and adjacent land (inland and shorelines) for the Conterminous United States computed from 2014-2018 Landsat imagery at ~30 meter horizontal resolution.
Estuarine Processes, Hazards, and Ecosystems
Estuarine processes, hazards, and ecosystems describes several interdisciplinary projects that aim to quantify and understand estuarine processes through observations and numerical modeling. Both the spatial and temporal scales of these mechanisms are important, and therefore require modern instrumentation and state-of-the-art hydrodynamic models. These projects are led from the U.S. Geological...
Estuarine Processes, Hazards, and Ecosystems
Estuarine processes, hazards, and ecosystems describes several interdisciplinary projects that aim to quantify and understand estuarine processes through observations and numerical modeling. Both the spatial and temporal scales of these mechanisms are important, and therefore require modern instrumentation and state-of-the-art hydrodynamic models. These projects are led from the U.S. Geological...