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Web Tools

Check out USGS web tools from Region 6.

Texas Water Dashboard

The Texas Water Dashboard presents USGS real-time stream, lake and reservoir, precipitation and groundwater data for more than 850 USGS real-time observation stations in Texas.

Explore US Oil and Gas Assessments

This map shows the provinces assessed by the USGS for undiscovered oil and gas resources. 

Oblique Aerial Photography Viewer

Obique photos offer a unique perspective of the coast. Features such as beach erosion or accretion, dune erosion and overwash can all be clearly characterized in this imagery. It also documents coastal infrastructure, as well as the damage that infrastructure may incur as the result of an impacting hurricane. 

Recent earthquakes in Oklahoma

Information on the latest earthquakes in Oklahoma.

Grand Lake Data Viewer

Grand Lake Data Viewer - View topographic and bathymetric contour data and simulate Grand Lake inundation areas for selected water-surface elevations.

Funding partners: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Grand River Dam Authority, and Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation


StreamStats in Oklahoma

Delineate custom drainage basins, compute basin characteristics, and estimate streamflow statistics.

Funding partners: Oklahoma Department of Transportation and Oklahoma Water Resources Board

Flood high and low flows for Oklahoma

View flooding high and low flows for streams and rivers throughout Oklahoma on the USGS WaterWatch website.

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