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Why do we monitor carbon dioxide emissions in Yellowstone, and how?

Why do we monitor carbon dioxide emissions in Yellowstone, and how?

The carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted from the Yellowstone magmatic-hydrothermal system has a number of characteristics that make it an important gas to...

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What is an earthquake swarm?

What is an earthquake swarm?

Yellowstone, like many regions with hydrothermal activity, often exhibits earthquake swarms. But how do we define an earthquake swarm and distinguish...

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So many scientific sensors in Yellowstone! So… Where are they?

So many scientific sensors in Yellowstone! So… Where are they?

Yellowstone is one of the best instrumented volcanoes in the world. There are several dozen GPS stations, seismometers, temperature sensors, river...

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Talking about talking about Yellowstone (and geohazards)

Talking about talking about Yellowstone (and geohazards)

Three YVO scientist communicators joined up with a university social scientist and earthquake-science communicator to offer a short course on...

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Journey into the roots of a hydrothermal vent system!

Journey into the roots of a hydrothermal vent system!

Multiple hydrothermal breccia pipes are exposed along the northern and western shores of Yellowstone Lake and provide clues into the shallow roots of...

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Part-time GPS – What's Up With That?

Part-time GPS – What's Up With That?

The backbone of Yellowstone's ground-based monitoring network consists of seismic stations, which detect earthquakes, and GPS (Global Positioning...

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A personal commentary: Why I dislike the term "supervolcano" (and what we should be saying instead)

A personal commentary: Why I dislike the term "supervolcano" (and what we should be saying instead)

Let's ditch the overused, misrepresentative, and misapplied "supervolcano" term. Instead, let's call them "caldera systems."

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No, Yellowstone isn't going to wipe out humanity

No, Yellowstone isn't going to wipe out humanity

YVO gets a lot of questions about whether Yellowstone, or another caldera system, will end all life on Earth. The answer is—NO, a large explosive...

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Top ten things I miss (and don't miss) about Yellowstone and YVO

Top ten things I miss (and don't miss) about Yellowstone and YVO

"It's been two years now since I stepped away from YVO, and I wanted to take this time to reflect a bit on my experiences with the observatory and as...

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What's in a Name? The Misadventures of Truman Everts

What's in a Name? The Misadventures of Truman Everts

"No food, no fire; no means to procure either; alone in an unexplored wilderness, one hundred and fifty miles from the nearest human abode, surrounded...

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The case of the Lava Creek Tuff and the empty reentrants

The case of the Lava Creek Tuff and the empty reentrants

Geoscientists have never observed an active magma reservoir firsthand because magmas are stored inaccessibly deep underground. However, crystals are...

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Just how many thermal features are there in Yellowstone?

Just how many thermal features are there in Yellowstone?

Yellowstone National park hosts more than 10,000 hydrothermal features including hot springs, geysers, fumaroles, and mud pots. But did you know that...

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