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120.3 - Office of the Associate Director for Administration


Date: 12/29/2020 

OPR: Office of Administration 

Instruction: This revises the chapter dated August 25, 2015 to reflect current organizational structure.


1.  Purpose. This Survey Manual (SM) chapter documents the organization of the U.S. Geological Survey headquarters administrative operations. 


2.  Authority. 101 DM 1, Organization Management—Policy and Responsibilities, and SM 100.1, Policies and Procedures for Organization Changes. 


3.  Office of the Associate Director for Administration. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Office of Administration exercises the general authority delegated by the USGS Director for the planning, development, administration, and evaluation of the Bureau administrative support functions and directs and leads all related Chief Financial Officer activities carried out by the Bureau. The Associate Director for Administration is responsible for advising the Director and Deputy Director—Administration and Policy on administrative matters, for developing bureauwide administrative policy and procedures, and for providing support to headquarters offices in the areas of accounting and financial management; fiscal services; contracting and procurement; grants management; real and personal property management; general services; safety and security; environmental management; financial, administrative, and business information systems; policy analysis; technology transfer; and human capital, employee development, and other associated administrative areas. Responsibilities for these functions are shared with the Deputy Associate Director for Administration and Deputy Associate Director for Human Capital.  


A.  Deputy Associate Director for Administration. The Deputy Associate Director for Administration leads the Office’s budget formulation and serves as liaison to the USGS Office of Budget, Planning, and Integration for matters involving the Office of Administration; manages budget planning, allocation, and execution of the Bureau’s support budget; and serves as the program coordinator for the Science Support budget activity. 


B.  Deputy Associate Director for Human Capital. The Deputy Associate Director for Human Capital is responsible for developing and implementing bureauwide human resources and organizational and employee development programs and policies; formulating and executing within the framework of Federal laws, regulations, and procedures of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and within the authorities and policies as determined by the Department of the Interior (DOI); representing the USGS with the DOI, OPM, Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Government Accounting Office, other Federal agencies, professional organizations, and customer and constituent groups to provide advisory services to partners to develop collaborative human capital strategies, operational programs, and educational programs to advance the general communication and understanding of the human resources activities of the USGS. 


C.  Office of Accounting and Financial Management.The Office of Accounting and Financial Management (OAFM) provides bureauwide financial management and administrative support for payments, collections, and travel; and technical support, training, and management control for the users of the DOI Financial and Business Management System. In addition, OAFM provides advice and direction for bureauwide accounting and financial management designed to meet the needs of management in achieving overall program objectives and to ensure full compliance with applicable laws and regulations. The Office Chief serves as the Deputy Chief Financial Officer.


OAFM manages the Budget and Science Information System Plus, a bureauwide automated project information system that supports science project planning, budgeting, and reporting throughout the USGS. OAFM is also responsible for evaluating the adequacy of the internal control environment within the Bureau, including the effectiveness of existing policies and procedures and operational activities, in addition to performing internal and external financial reporting for the Bureau to ensure the Bureau’s compliance with OMB Circular A-123. OAFM provides assistance in evaluating internal practices and policy changes on topics relevant to all Bureau operations. OAFM maintains the integrity of the general ledger of the Bureau, developing reports using cost accounting models, reporting to Treasury and OMB, and in producing the annual USGS Performance and Accountability Report. 


D.  Office of Acquisition and Grants. The Office of Acquisition and Grants (OAG) is responsible for managing the Bureau’s acquisition and financial assistance functions. OAG has primary policy responsibility for administering legal actions prerequisite to effective acquisition and financial assistance, coordinated and integrated bureauwide acquisition, contracting, and assistance (grants and cooperative agreements). Bureauwide contractual support for major ADP/Telecommunications projects is handled by the OAG. These responsibilities encompass a broad range of acquisition policy and operational functions that ensure formulation and implementation of contract, cooperative agreement, grant and purchasing practices and procedures in compliance with laws and regulations. 


E.  Office ofHuman Capital. The Office of Human Capital (OHC) is responsible for developing and implementing bureauwide human resources and organizational and employee development programs and policies. This includes labor-management relations; employee relations, work/life and family friendly programs; employee performance management; suitability and security clearances; volunteerism; workers’ compensation; staffing and recruitment; pay, compensation and benefits; and employee learning and organizational development. OHC is responsible for supporting the payroll and personnel systems. OHC also develops, coordinates, and implements programs designed to improve individual and organizational effectiveness, serving as a catalyst for continuous learning, professional growth, and organizational development. The Deputy Associate Director for Human Capital serves as the Bureau’s Chief Human Resources Officer. 


F.  Office of Management Services. The Office of Management Services (OMS) is responsible for providing bureauwide programs and providing staff advice, direction, and guidance in the areas of space and facilities management, security, property and fleet management, safety, and industrial health; environmental and emergency management; supply management; and other administrative services programs. OMS formulates policies and procedures within these areas to be implemented on a bureauwide basis. The OMS Chief serves as the program coordinator for the facilities budget activity.   


G.  Office of Policy and Analysis. The Office of Policy and Analysis (OPA) isresponsible for the management of the Bureau’s directives system including the Survey Manual, Handbooks, and Instructional Memoranda. OPA manages the Bureau’s Technology Transfer Program including the preparation, review, and approval of Cooperative Research and Development Agreements and Technology Assistance Agreements; evaluation of USGS inventions for patentability and commerciality and preparation of patent applications and non-disclosure agreements; execution of non-exclusive, exclusive, and partially exclusive licenses to companies interested in marketing, manufacturing, or using USGS-developed technology; and provides oversight for the Bureau’s grants (funds-in) activities. OPA also reviews non-standard cooperative and reimbursable agreements for compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements. 


/s/ Katherine M. McCulloch                                                                 December 29, 2020
____________________________________                                    _________________
Katherine M. McCulloch                                                                      Date
Associate Director for Administration

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