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370.792.1 - Preventive Medical Treatment

USGS employees may obtain at USGS expense preventive medical treatment if the possibilities of infection constitute a hazardous condition in the performance of official duties.


OPR: Admin

1. United States and Possessions.

A. General. USGS employees may obtain at USGS expense preventive medical treatment if the possibilities of infection constitute a hazardous condition in the performance of official duties.

(1) Preventive medication is authorized for the following diseases:

(a) Tick fever (RockyMountain Spotted Fever).

(b) Typhoid fever.

(c) Tetanus.

(d) Poison oak, poison ivy, or poison sumac.

(e) Infectious hepatitis (when contagion is at work site).

(f) Mumps (when contagion is at work site).

(g) Polio (for employees working in or with polluted water).

(2) Exceptions may be approved by the Bureau Human Resources Officer upon request by the employee's supervisor through Mission Areas/Regions channels.

(3) The tuberculosis detection skin test may be authorized when contagion is at work site or when recommended by the Public Health Service.


B. Procedure for Obtaining Preventive Medical Treatment or Supplies.

(1) Preventive medical treatment will be obtained, if possible, from the United States Public Health Service Hospitals and Clinics. If these facilities are not available, treatment may be obtained from private medical sources. Request for treatment is made by the employee and approved by the supervisory official.

(2) Preventive medicines may be purchased in bulk by an office for dispensing to employees or directly by an employee provided the medicine can be taken orally and a prescription is not required.

(a) A request for approval to purchase preventive medicine must be made by memorandum through Mission Areas/Regions channels and the Bureau Human Resources Officer to the Medical Director, Department of the Interior. The memorandum must include the purpose, type, brand name, and manufacturer of the medicine, and the number of employees who will use the medicine. Upon receipt of approval by the Medical Director, the Mission Areas/Regions will electronically submit a Requisition to the Office of Acquisition and Grants (OAG) through the Financial and Business Management System (FBMS). Once the Requisition is received in OAG, a formal competitive award process will be conducted.

(3) First aid or snake bite kits may be obtained through the regular requisitioning or purchasing procedures for use in areas where hazardous conditions exist.


C. Payment of Preventive Medical Treatment.

(1) For reimbursement of any medical treatment, the employee must complete the Form SF-1164, Claim for Reimbursement for Expenditures on Official Business and submit it to their cost center administrative officer for processing. See Survey Manual Chapter 335.4 for policy on Employee Claims for Reimbursement of Official Business Expenditures.

(2) Outside United States and Possessions.

A. General. USGS employees working or officially travelling in foreign areas are inoculated before leaving the United States or its possessions. The type of inoculation depends upon the areas of travel.

B. Procedure for Obtaining Inoculations or Medical Supplies.

(1) Inoculations are obtained, if possible, from the United States Public Health Service Hospitals and Clinics. No charge is made for this service. If these facilities are not available, the employee will, if possible, secure the inoculations at USGS expense from other Government facilities. If no Federal facilities are available, the inoculations may be obtained at USGS expense from private medical sources. Each employee receives Form PHS-731, International Certificate of Vaccination, which is a record of all inoculations given and must be signed by the vaccinating physician. The employee must keep the form available for inspection by authorized officials and for recording any future inoculations. Certificates for smallpox, cholera, and yellow fever inoculations must be authenticated by a stamp approved by the health administration of the country where the inoculation is given. In the United States, any one of the following authentications is acceptable:

(a) The stamp or seal of the State or local health department for the area in which the vaccinating physician practices.

(b) The stamp of a yellow fever vaccination center as designated by the Public Health Service.

(c) The stamp of the Department of Defense.

(d) The stamp approved by the Public Health Service and assigned to physicians employed in medical services of corporations or private clinics.

(e) The impression seal of the Public Health Service.

(2) Inoculations and/or medicine may be claimed as either a purchase or a travel expense if needed for official USGS Foreign travel. The employees travel authorization and voucher are uploaded in the travel system, ConcurGov, for reimbursement.

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