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434.1 - Mail Management

This chapter establishes the objectives, assigns responsibilities and prescribes procedures for accomplishing effective, efficient and economical bureauwide mail management.


OPR:  Office of Administration, Office of Management Services

Instructions:  This chapter is revised to include current guidance.

1.  Purpose. This chapter establishes the objectives, assigns responsibilities and prescribes procedures for accomplishing effective, efficient and economical bureauwide mail management.

2.  Authorities.

A.  Federal Property Management Regulation Temporary Regulation G-52.

B.  382 DM 2 - Mail Management.

C.  U.S. Postal Service Domestic Mail Manual.

3.  Policy.  It is U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) policy to hold mail costs to a minimum bureauwide by: 

A.  Adhering to sound mail management practices.

B.  Prohibiting the use of the USGS mail room for personal use, including receipt of incoming and (or) processing of outgoing mail or the use of internal mail distribution services.

C.  Exclusion.  Employees on temporary detail, living in temporary quarters, or temporarily assigned to a remote field location may request the use of official mail channels for a period of 6 months or less.  Payment for postage and related fees is the responsibility of the sender.

4.  Objectives.  The objectives of the USGS mail management program are to provide responsive and responsible handling, internal delivery, and dispatch of official mail at minimum cost and to comply with applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.

5.  Responsibilities.

A.  Chief, Office of Management Services.  The Chief, Office of Management Services (OMS) is responsible for: 

(1)  Establishing and maintaining an effective bureauwide mail management and operations program in accordance with U.S. Postal Service (USPS), General Services Administration (GSA), and Department of the Interior (DOI) regulations. 

(2)  Monitoring mail services and practices, seeking opportunities for improvement and cost reduction. 

(3)  Issuing up-to-date, bureauwide guidance for the administration of mail management and operations. 

(4)  Providing advice and assistance to mail originators. 

(5)  Operating the National Center mailroom. 

(6)  Coordinating mail service activities and negotiating agreements with the USPS. 

B.  Regional Management Officers.  Regional Management Officers, for their respective regions, are responsible for: 

(1)  Complying with pertinent statutory and regulatory requirements governing mail management and operations. 

(2)  Establishing and maintaining effective mail operations. 

(3)  Issuing guidance for the management of mail operations. 

(4)  Evaluating mail operations in order to improve services and effect cost reductions wherever possible. 

(5)  Developing and providing to OMS, as required, statistical and cost information on mail operations. 

C.  Mail Operations Supervisors.  Mail operations supervisors are responsible for: 

(1)  Expeditiously and accurately moving incoming, internal, and outgoing mail. 

(2)  Ensuring the appropriate selection of class and service for outgoing mail.

(3)  Providing advice and assistance to mail originators. 

(4)  Coordinating mail operations with local USPS activities.
(5)  Ensuring that mail operations are carried out in accordance with USPS, GSA, and DOI regulations and USGS standards and procedures. 

D.  Mail Originators.  Mail originators are responsible for: 

(1)  Cooperating with OMS in containing costs associated with processing mail. 

(2)  Limiting the use of USGS mail services, except to the extent permitted, to official mail. 

(3)  Adhering to the basic procedures in paragraph 6B below as well as periodic guidance on preparing, processing, and handling mail. 

6.  Procedures.  Mail originators will help achieve the objectives of the USGS Mail Management Program by: 

A.  Using the appropriate size envelope for mailing; e.g., letter size (4-1/8" x 9-1/2" for up to 5 sheets of paper). 

B.  Ensuring that the envelope bears a complete return address, including the mail stop. 

C.  Utilizing special services such as registered mail, certified mail, etc., only when absolutely necessary.

D.  Using expedited (express) services only when it is critical to mission accomplishment that letters or parcels reach their destination either on the day of dispatch or on the following business day.

Note:  USPS Express Mail Service will be used when the USPS rates are equal to or less than rates for the same service furnished by the GSA-contracted or alternate private carriers.

E.  Consulting with mail operations supervisors when large mailings are anticipated to determine the most economical method of mailing consistent with delivery need.

F.  Consolidating several pieces of first-class mail, addressed to the same Government destination, in one larger first-class envelope before dispatch. 

G.  Reviewing mailing and distribution lists at least annually to eliminate duplication, correct addresses, and to remove inappropriate addressees.

/s/ Jose R. Aragon                                                                                          February 18, 2016
________________________________________                                        _________________
Jose R. Aragon                                                                                                           Date
Associate Director for Administration

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