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500.12 - Use of Facilities by Non-Government People

This chapter provides policy and procedures for the use of USGS facilities by non-Government people.


OPR: Admin/Office of Facilities and Management Services

1. Purpose. This chapter provides policy and procedures for the use of USGS facilities by non-Government people.

2. Policy. It is USGS policy to permit scientific investigators, qualified individuals, students, and graduates of institutions of learning to use the study and research facilities of the USGS under such rules and restrictions as may be prescribed (36 Comp. Gen. 561).

3. Administrative Provisions. Individuals or groups are authorized to use the study and research facilities of the USGS when:

A. Activities undertaken by participants in the course of their study or research will be conducted during normal duty hours (except as provided in paragraph 4 below), and are clearly differentiated from regular USGS activities for which compensation is paid under statutory provisions.

B. Adequate provision is made for protection of Government property.

C. The activity does not interfere with Government business.

D. The objectives, extent, and anticipated duration of the study or research program and the limitations on the use of USGS facilities are described in writing .

E. Provision is made, where appropriate, for the results of the study or research to be made available to the Government without cost.

F. Agreements in writing (Figure 1) are entered into with the participants, and their parents or guardians if they are minors, setting forth an understanding that:

(1) The participants are not Federal employees.

(2) They will not claim any compensation from the United States for their services.

(3) They will not submit claims under the Federal Employees' Compensation Act.

(4) The United States and its employees are relieved of liability for damage or loss of personal property or personal injury or death arising in the course of participation in the study or research program.

(5) They will be held accountable for loss or damage to Government property (other than that resulting from normal wear and tear) occasioned by gross negligence or willful action on their part.

4. After-Hours Access. Non-Government people may be afforded access to a USGS facility after hours upon their presentation of a valid DI-238, Departmental Temporary Building Pass, or USGS Form 9-1900, Temporary Identification Card (see SM 440.1).

After-hours access for special events attended by non-Government people may be requested by Division Chiefs or their delegated representatives. At USGS field locations, access requests should be processed through the designated office, building, or facility security officer or contract guard official. At the National Center, access requests should be forwarded to the USGS Security Officer so that the following security provisions can be made: coordination to permit access to individuals without proper identification; communication with the building security guard force concerning any special security requirements; and action to ensure that access is restricted to approved areas only.

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