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JACIE 2011 Presentations

Boulder, Colorado

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Presentations from this workshop can be accessed by searching the JACIE Search Tool.


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Welcome - Greg Stensaas, USGS


  • Anne Hale Miglarese, Booz Allen Hamilton — The Changing Landscape of Geospatial
  • William B. Gail — Community Remote Sensing
  • Charles Mondello — A Change in Perspective, An industry and data provider viewpoint
  • Dr. James Verdin — The requirement for high quality data and information for Science
  • Dan Schuresko — Commercial Imagery, Data, and Programs Overview
  • Curt Reynolds, Glenn Bethel — USDA Remote Sensing Overview


  • Changyong Cao — NOAA Satellite Calibration/Validation Programs
  • Brian Markham — Landsat Data Continuity Mission: Overview and Status
  • Edward J. Knight — The Operational Land Imager: Overview and Performance
  • Kurt Thome — Calibration overview for the Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) on the LandsatData Continuity Mission
  • Mary Pagnutti — Complementarity of IRS-P6 AWiFS and Landsat TM/ETM+ sensors for Land Cover Change Analysis

Wednesday, March 30, 2011 


  • Steve Mackin, Gyanesh Chander — Cross-Calibration trending of the 2nd Generation Disaster Monitoring Constellation SLIM-6-22 and Landsat 7 ETM+ sensors over the Libya 4 CEOS reference pseudo-invariant test site
  • Ph. Déliot, D. Léger — On-orbit defocus assessment of satellite cameras using neural network
  • Leila Fonseca — Enhancement of HRC and CCD images of the CBERS-2B Satellite
  • Frederico dos Santos Liporace — CBERS Program Update
  • Dr. Andreas Brunn — Relative Comparison of the Spectral Resolution of RapidEye Products
  • Denis Naughton — Radiometric Performance Assessment of the RapidEye Constellation_2010
  • Horst Weichelt — New RapidEye Image Products
  • Dennis Helder — Absolute Calibration of Landsat 1 through Landsat 5 MSS Sensors: Extending the Data Record Back Through Time
  • Fabrizio Pirondini — Deimos-1 Absolute Calibration and Data Validation
  • Ralf Reulke — Spatial Resolution Assessment from Real Image Data


  • Paul C. Bresnahan — Geolocation Accuracy Evaluations of WorldView-1 and WorldView-2
  • Paul C. Bresnahan — Geolocation Accuracy Monitoring of High Resolution Commercial Imagery
  • Preston Mattox — Introducing the GeoEye Sensor Performance Lab
  • David Mulawa — GeoEye-1 Geolocation Assessment and Reporting Update
  • Nicolas Stussi — Pleiades Constellation Capability Overview
  • Jianwei Tao, Wenxian Yu — A Preliminary Study on Imaging Time Difference Among Bands of Worldview-2 and Its Potential Applications
  • Joe Zamudio — Spectral and Spatial Processing of ASTER and WorldView-2 data
  • Brett P. Thomassie — DigitalGlobeSystems and Products Overview
  • Byron Smiley — Geolocation Accuracy TopicsRelevant toDigitalGlobe’s Satellite Constellation

Thursday, March 31, 2011


  • Alexander Wiechert, Michael Gruber — The evolution of Vexcel’s Camera Calibration and Image Processing Technology
  • Tom Heinrichs, Dayne Broderson — Historic and Current Status of Orthoimageryand Elevation Mapping and SDMI
  • Mohamed MR Mostafa — ArcGIS Geometric Accuracy Evaluation
  • Joel McCorkel — Airborne remote sensing instrumentation for the National Ecological Observatory Network
  • Klaus Neumann — Z/I DMC II Camera Family
  • Ruedi Wagner — From Pixel to Info-Cloud –News at Leica Geosystems
  • Taejung Kim — Automated Assessment of NIIRS and GRD of High Resolution Satellite Images through Edge Profile Analysis of Natural Targets
  • Mary Pagnutti — An Automated Method to Estimate In-flight Image Quality parameters from High Spatial Resolution Imagery 
  • Stephen Schiller — Measuring Atmospheric Optical Depth Directly from Satellite Imagery


  • Guy Serbin — Advanced Multispectral Sensor Requirements for Remote Sensing of Agriculture and Land Cover
  • Kurt Thome — Methods for radiometric cross-calibration of imaging sensors with and without overlapping collections
  • Paul C. Bresnahan — Geolocation Accuracy Re-Evaluation of Cosmo-Skymed Spotlight and Stripmap Imaging Mode Products
  • Paul C. Bresnahan — Geolocation Accuracy Evaluation of Radarsat-2 Spotlight and UltraFineImaging Mode Products
  • Riadh Munjy — LIDAR Intensity Images Balancing and Potentials
  • Bert Kampes — GeoSAR IFSAR Processing
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